2016+ Free Font Awesome Icons Class list Names & their CSS content values
Lista completă a 2016+ free font awesome icons
Această postare conține complet gratuit font awesome icoane lista de nume de clasă cu codurile lor de valoare de conținut CSS & pas cu pas tutorial pentru a utiliza font awesome icoane în paginile HTML.
Și, de asemenea, puteți căuta și găsi font awesome icoane folosind caseta de căutare furnizată în articol.
Faceți clic pe Ctrl + D
pentru a marca pagina.
În cea mai recentă versiune font awesome 6.2.0, există 2016 pictograme gratuite.
În versiunea anterioară font awesome 5.14 avem aproximativ 1598 de pictograme gratuite.
În funcție de stilul pictogramei, aceste pictograme gratuite font awesome sunt împărțite în trei categorii
- font awesome pictograme solide
- font awesome pictograme obișnuite
- font awesome pictograme de marcă
Putem descărca fișierul font awesome iconițe css și le putem servi de pe propriul server sau le putem servi de pe CDN-uri publice.
Și, de asemenea, am creat un free ebook care conține lista completă a font awesome icons în format PDF.
Ce este font awesome?
- font awesome este cel mai popular set de instrumente de fonturi și pictograme de pe web, bazat pe CSS și LESS.
- font awesome este creat de Dave Gandy.
- font awesome a fost cel mai popular proiect open source nou de pe github în 2012 și este în prezent unul dintre primele 10 proiecte în general.
- Font Awesome este în prezent live pe 47M de site-uri web și jumătate dintre dezvoltatorii web din lume folosesc font awesome icoane.
- Font Awesome facilitează adăugarea de pictograme vectoriale și logo-uri sociale pe site-urile noastre web.
Cum se utilizează font awesome icons?
Există două moduri în care putem folosi font awesome icoane în aplicațiile noastre web.
- Folosind numele de clasă CSS
- Folosind valorile de conținut CSS
- Utilizarea pictogramelor SVG
Mai întâi trebuie să adăugăm fișierul css font awesome icons în secțiunea head a fișierului html.
Afișați font awesome icoane folosind nume de clase CSS
Cel mai comun mod de afișare a pictogramelor font awesome este utilizarea numelor de clasă ale acestora.
Pentru fiecare pictogramă este predefinit un nume de clasă, trebuie doar să adăugăm fa-
la numele pictogramei ca și clasă.
font awesome pictogramele utilizează eticheta italic, adică, <i></i>
pentru a afișa pictogramele
Motivul pentru care se folosește această <i>
ca pictogramă este
- Este scurt
stand de pictogramă (nu în lumea HTML, deși)
Pentru a afișa pictogramele font awesome folosind nume de clase css, urmați pașii.
- Adăugați un tag icon.
- Adăugați numele pictogramei cu prefixul
la atributul class. - În plus, trebuie să adăugăm Style class, adică solid sau regular sau brand
Mai întâi vom adăuga css-ul font awesome icons în secțiunea head a fișierului html, așa cum se arată mai jos
<link rel="stylesheet" href=
Eu folosesc cloudfare font awesome icons cdn link.
Pentru a utiliza oficial font awesome CDN. Accesați articolul font awesome CDN.
Acum, pentru a afișa facebook
font awesome icon, utilizați codul html de mai jos.
<i class="fab fa-facebook"></i>
Pictograma Facebook face parte din pictogramele de marcă, așa că am adăugat fab
ca nume de clasă suplimentară.
Pentru a utiliza font awesome iconițe solide, adăugați numele clasei ca fas
De exemplu, pentru a afișa pictograma barcode
, utilizați următorul cod html
<i class="fas fa-barcode"></i>
icon face parte din pictogramele obișnuite, adăugați numele clasei ca far
<i class="far fa-bookmark"></i>
Pentru a utiliza font awesome în aplicațiile Angular, consultați articolul
Cum se utilizează pictogramele Font Awesome în aplicațiile Angular
Afișați font awesome pictograme folosind valorile de conținut CSS
Abordarea de mai sus ne cere să schimbăm numele claselor de pictograme.
Dacă proiectul dvs. este nou, atunci putem urma abordarea de mai sus
Dar dacă este un proiect existent, este foarte dificil să schimbăm numele clasei de pictograme.
În acest caz, putem afișa pictogramele font awesome utilizând valorile de conținut CSS ale acestora.
Putem utiliza caracteristicile elementelor CSS Pseudo-elemente ::before
sau ::after
pentru a le afișa.
De exemplu, pentru a afișa pictograma user
, am fi putut utiliza codul HTML de mai jos.
<span class="user"></span> Login
Dar numele oficial al pictogramei noastre font awesome este fa-user
Deci, pentru a afișa pictograma, pentru clasa .user
adăugați proprietatea CSS content code ca \f007
, care este valoarea unicode pentru pictograma user
.user::before {
font: var(--fa-font-solid);
content: '\f007';
Împreună cu codul de conținut CSS, trebuie să adăugăm și stilul font
Pentru aceasta, putem utiliza font awesome proprietăți CSS predefinite personalizate.
Pentru pictogramele solide, utilizați var(--fa-font-solid)
Pentru pictogramele obișnuite, utilizați var(--fa-font-regular)
Pentru pictograme de marcă folosiți var(--fa-font-regular)
În plus, putem adăuga o clasă personalizată care definește câteva proprietăți CSS comune.
.fontawesomeicon::before {
display: inline-block;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
<span class="user fontawesomeicon"></span> Login
Asta este tot
În versiunea font awesome 5 nu există proprietăți css personalizate
Așa că trebuie să adăugăm proprietățile css font-family
și font-weight
// Font awesome 5 version.
.user::before {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
font-weight: 900;
content: "\f007";
.fontawesomeicon::before {
display: inline-block;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
și font-weight
ar putea fi diferite pentru fiecare pictogramă în funcție de stilul pictogramei, cum ar fi pictogramele normale, solide și de marcă.
Utilizați font awesome Icoane ca și cod de conținut CSS
Pentru a afișa font awesome pictograme folosind SVG, consultați articolul de mai jos.
Font Awesome SVG Icons List, Usage, CSS & Download
Search Font Awesome Icons
Aici este lista completă de iconițe gratuite font awesome cheat sheet.
Tastați numele pictogramei în căsuța de căutare de mai jos și copiați numele clasei și stilul sau codul de conținut CSS.
Icoanele vor fi filtrate în tabelul de mai jos.
Și faceți clic pe pictogramă pentru a copia codul html.
Total 2016 Icons.
Font Awesome Icons Class List & CSS Content Codes
Name | Class Name | Style | Css Content Code | Example |
42 Group | fa-42-group | fab | \e080 | TryIt |
500Px | fa-500px | fab | \f26e | TryIt |
Accessible Icon | fa-accessible-icon | fab | \f368 | TryIt |
Accusoft | fa-accusoft | fab | \f369 | TryIt |
Adn | fa-adn | fab | \f170 | TryIt |
Adversal | fa-adversal | fab | \f36a | TryIt |
Affiliatetheme | fa-affiliatetheme | fab | \f36b | TryIt |
Airbnb | fa-airbnb | fab | \f834 | TryIt |
Algolia | fa-algolia | fab | \f36c | TryIt |
Alipay | fa-alipay | fab | \f642 | TryIt |
Amazon Pay | fa-amazon-pay | fab | \f42c | TryIt |
Amazon | fa-amazon | fab | \f270 | TryIt |
Amilia | fa-amilia | fab | \f36d | TryIt |
Android | fa-android | fab | \f17b | TryIt |
Angellist | fa-angellist | fab | \f209 | TryIt |
Angrycreative | fa-angrycreative | fab | \f36e | TryIt |
Angular | fa-angular | fab | \f420 | TryIt |
App Store Ios | fa-app-store-ios | fab | \f370 | TryIt |
App Store | fa-app-store | fab | \f36f | TryIt |
Apper | fa-apper | fab | \f371 | TryIt |
Apple Pay | fa-apple-pay | fab | \f415 | TryIt |
Apple | fa-apple | fab | \f179 | TryIt |
Artstation | fa-artstation | fab | \f77a | TryIt |
Asymmetrik | fa-asymmetrik | fab | \f372 | TryIt |
Atlassian | fa-atlassian | fab | \f77b | TryIt |
Audible | fa-audible | fab | \f373 | TryIt |
Autoprefixer | fa-autoprefixer | fab | \f41c | TryIt |
Avianex | fa-avianex | fab | \f374 | TryIt |
Aviato | fa-aviato | fab | \f421 | TryIt |
Aws | fa-aws | fab | \f375 | TryIt |
Bandcamp | fa-bandcamp | fab | \f2d5 | TryIt |
Battle Net | fa-battle-net | fab | \f835 | TryIt |
Behance | fa-behance | fab | \f1b4 | TryIt |
Bilibili | fa-bilibili | fab | \e3d9 | TryIt |
Bimobject | fa-bimobject | fab | \f378 | TryIt |
Bitbucket | fa-bitbucket | fab | \f171 | TryIt |
Bitcoin | fa-bitcoin | fab | \f379 | TryIt |
Bity | fa-bity | fab | \f37a | TryIt |
Black Tie | fa-black-tie | fab | \f27e | TryIt |
Blackberry | fa-blackberry | fab | \f37b | TryIt |
Blogger B | fa-blogger-b | fab | \f37d | TryIt |
Blogger | fa-blogger | fab | \f37c | TryIt |
Bluetooth B | fa-bluetooth-b | fab | \f294 | TryIt |
Bluetooth | fa-bluetooth | fab | \f293 | TryIt |
Bootstrap | fa-bootstrap | fab | \f836 | TryIt |
Bots | fa-bots | fab | \e340 | TryIt |
Btc | fa-btc | fab | \f15a | TryIt |
Buffer | fa-buffer | fab | \f837 | TryIt |
Buromobelexperte | fa-buromobelexperte | fab | \f37f | TryIt |
Buy N Large | fa-buy-n-large | fab | \f8a6 | TryIt |
Buysellads | fa-buysellads | fab | \f20d | TryIt |
Canadian Maple Leaf | fa-canadian-maple-leaf | fab | \f785 | TryIt |
Cc Amazon Pay | fa-cc-amazon-pay | fab | \f42d | TryIt |
Cc Amex | fa-cc-amex | fab | \f1f3 | TryIt |
Cc Apple Pay | fa-cc-apple-pay | fab | \f416 | TryIt |
Cc Diners Club | fa-cc-diners-club | fab | \f24c | TryIt |
Cc Discover | fa-cc-discover | fab | \f1f2 | TryIt |
Cc Jcb | fa-cc-jcb | fab | \f24b | TryIt |
Cc Mastercard | fa-cc-mastercard | fab | \f1f1 | TryIt |
Cc Paypal | fa-cc-paypal | fab | \f1f4 | TryIt |
Cc Stripe | fa-cc-stripe | fab | \f1f5 | TryIt |
Cc Visa | fa-cc-visa | fab | \f1f0 | TryIt |
Centercode | fa-centercode | fab | \f380 | TryIt |
Centos | fa-centos | fab | \f789 | TryIt |
Chrome | fa-chrome | fab | \f268 | TryIt |
Chromecast | fa-chromecast | fab | \f838 | TryIt |
Cloudflare | fa-cloudflare | fab | \e07d | TryIt |
Cloudscale | fa-cloudscale | fab | \f383 | TryIt |
Cloudsmith | fa-cloudsmith | fab | \f384 | TryIt |
Cloudversify | fa-cloudversify | fab | \f385 | TryIt |
Cmplid | fa-cmplid | fab | \e360 | TryIt |
Codepen | fa-codepen | fab | \f1cb | TryIt |
Codiepie | fa-codiepie | fab | \f284 | TryIt |
Confluence | fa-confluence | fab | \f78d | TryIt |
Connectdevelop | fa-connectdevelop | fab | \f20e | TryIt |
Contao | fa-contao | fab | \f26d | TryIt |
Cotton Bureau | fa-cotton-bureau | fab | \f89e | TryIt |
Cpanel | fa-cpanel | fab | \f388 | TryIt |
Creative Commons By | fa-creative-commons-by | fab | \f4e7 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Nc Eu | fa-creative-commons-nc-eu | fab | \f4e9 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Nc Jp | fa-creative-commons-nc-jp | fab | \f4ea | TryIt |
Creative Commons Nc | fa-creative-commons-nc | fab | \f4e8 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Nd | fa-creative-commons-nd | fab | \f4eb | TryIt |
Creative Commons Pd Alt | fa-creative-commons-pd-alt | fab | \f4ed | TryIt |
Creative Commons Pd | fa-creative-commons-pd | fab | \f4ec | TryIt |
Creative Commons Remix | fa-creative-commons-remix | fab | \f4ee | TryIt |
Creative Commons Sa | fa-creative-commons-sa | fab | \f4ef | TryIt |
Creative Commons Sampling Plus | fa-creative-commons-sampling-plus | fab | \f4f1 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Sampling | fa-creative-commons-sampling | fab | \f4f0 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Share | fa-creative-commons-share | fab | \f4f2 | TryIt |
Creative Commons Zero | fa-creative-commons-zero | fab | \f4f3 | TryIt |
Creative Commons | fa-creative-commons | fab | \f25e | TryIt |
Critical Role | fa-critical-role | fab | \f6c9 | TryIt |
Css3 Alt | fa-css3-alt | fab | \f38b | TryIt |
Css3 | fa-css3 | fab | \f13c | TryIt |
Cuttlefish | fa-cuttlefish | fab | \f38c | TryIt |
D And D Beyond | fa-d-and-d-beyond | fab | \f6ca | TryIt |
D And D | fa-d-and-d | fab | \f38d | TryIt |
Dailymotion | fa-dailymotion | fab | \e052 | TryIt |
Dashcube | fa-dashcube | fab | \f210 | TryIt |
Deezer | fa-deezer | fab | \e077 | TryIt |
Delicious | fa-delicious | fab | \f1a5 | TryIt |
Deploydog | fa-deploydog | fab | \f38e | TryIt |
Deskpro | fa-deskpro | fab | \f38f | TryIt |
Dev | fa-dev | fab | \f6cc | TryIt |
Deviantart | fa-deviantart | fab | \f1bd | TryIt |
Dhl | fa-dhl | fab | \f790 | TryIt |
Diaspora | fa-diaspora | fab | \f791 | TryIt |
Digg | fa-digg | fab | \f1a6 | TryIt |
Digital Ocean | fa-digital-ocean | fab | \f391 | TryIt |
Discord | fa-discord | fab | \f392 | TryIt |
Discourse | fa-discourse | fab | \f393 | TryIt |
Dochub | fa-dochub | fab | \f394 | TryIt |
Docker | fa-docker | fab | \f395 | TryIt |
Draft2digital | fa-draft2digital | fab | \f396 | TryIt |
Dribbble | fa-dribbble | fab | \f17d | TryIt |
Dropbox | fa-dropbox | fab | \f16b | TryIt |
Drupal | fa-drupal | fab | \f1a9 | TryIt |
Dyalog | fa-dyalog | fab | \f399 | TryIt |
Earlybirds | fa-earlybirds | fab | \f39a | TryIt |
Ebay | fa-ebay | fab | \f4f4 | TryIt |
Edge Legacy | fa-edge-legacy | fab | \e078 | TryIt |
Edge | fa-edge | fab | \f282 | TryIt |
Elementor | fa-elementor | fab | \f430 | TryIt |
Ello | fa-ello | fab | \f5f1 | TryIt |
Ember | fa-ember | fab | \f423 | TryIt |
Empire | fa-empire | fab | \f1d1 | TryIt |
Envira | fa-envira | fab | \f299 | TryIt |
Erlang | fa-erlang | fab | \f39d | TryIt |
Ethereum | fa-ethereum | fab | \f42e | TryIt |
Etsy | fa-etsy | fab | \f2d7 | TryIt |
Evernote | fa-evernote | fab | \f839 | TryIt |
Expeditedssl | fa-expeditedssl | fab | \f23e | TryIt |
Facebook F | fa-facebook-f | fab | \f39e | TryIt |
Facebook Messenger | fa-facebook-messenger | fab | \f39f | TryIt |
fa-facebook | fab | \f09a | TryIt | |
Fantasy Flight Games | fa-fantasy-flight-games | fab | \f6dc | TryIt |
Fedex | fa-fedex | fab | \f797 | TryIt |
Fedora | fa-fedora | fab | \f798 | TryIt |
Figma | fa-figma | fab | \f799 | TryIt |
Firefox Browser | fa-firefox-browser | fab | \e007 | TryIt |
Firefox | fa-firefox | fab | \f269 | TryIt |
First Order Alt | fa-first-order-alt | fab | \f50a | TryIt |
First Order | fa-first-order | fab | \f2b0 | TryIt |
Firstdraft | fa-firstdraft | fab | \f3a1 | TryIt |
Flickr | fa-flickr | fab | \f16e | TryIt |
fa-flipboard | fab | \f44d | TryIt | |
Fly | fa-fly | fab | \f417 | TryIt |
Font Awesome | fa-font-awesome | fab | \f2b4 | TryIt |
Fonticons Fi | fa-fonticons-fi | fab | \f3a2 | TryIt |
Fonticons | fa-fonticons | fab | \f280 | TryIt |
Fort Awesome Alt | fa-fort-awesome-alt | fab | \f3a3 | TryIt |
Fort Awesome | fa-fort-awesome | fab | \f286 | TryIt |
Forumbee | fa-forumbee | fab | \f211 | TryIt |
Foursquare | fa-foursquare | fab | \f180 | TryIt |
Free Code Camp | fa-free-code-camp | fab | \f2c5 | TryIt |
Freebsd | fa-freebsd | fab | \f3a4 | TryIt |
Fulcrum | fa-fulcrum | fab | \f50b | TryIt |
Galactic Republic | fa-galactic-republic | fab | \f50c | TryIt |
Galactic Senate | fa-galactic-senate | fab | \f50d | TryIt |
Get Pocket | fa-get-pocket | fab | \f265 | TryIt |
Gg Circle | fa-gg-circle | fab | \f261 | TryIt |
Gg | fa-gg | fab | \f260 | TryIt |
Git Alt | fa-git-alt | fab | \f841 | TryIt |
Git | fa-git | fab | \f1d3 | TryIt |
Github Alt | fa-github-alt | fab | \f113 | TryIt |
Github | fa-github | fab | \f09b | TryIt |
Gitkraken | fa-gitkraken | fab | \f3a6 | TryIt |
Gitlab | fa-gitlab | fab | \f296 | TryIt |
Gitter | fa-gitter | fab | \f426 | TryIt |
Glide G | fa-glide-g | fab | \f2a6 | TryIt |
Glide | fa-glide | fab | \f2a5 | TryIt |
Gofore | fa-gofore | fab | \f3a7 | TryIt |
Golang | fa-golang | fab | \e40f | TryIt |
Goodreads G | fa-goodreads-g | fab | \f3a9 | TryIt |
Goodreads | fa-goodreads | fab | \f3a8 | TryIt |
Google Drive | fa-google-drive | fab | \f3aa | TryIt |
Google Pay | fa-google-pay | fab | \e079 | TryIt |
Google Play | fa-google-play | fab | \f3ab | TryIt |
Google Plus G | fa-google-plus-g | fab | \f0d5 | TryIt |
Google Plus | fa-google-plus | fab | \f2b3 | TryIt |
Google Wallet | fa-google-wallet | fab | \f1ee | TryIt |
fa-google | fab | \f1a0 | TryIt | |
Gratipay | fa-gratipay | fab | \f184 | TryIt |
Grav | fa-grav | fab | \f2d6 | TryIt |
Gripfire | fa-gripfire | fab | \f3ac | TryIt |
Grunt | fa-grunt | fab | \f3ad | TryIt |
Guilded | fa-guilded | fab | \e07e | TryIt |
Gulp | fa-gulp | fab | \f3ae | TryIt |
Hacker News | fa-hacker-news | fab | \f1d4 | TryIt |
Hackerrank | fa-hackerrank | fab | \f5f7 | TryIt |
Hashnode | fa-hashnode | fab | \e499 | TryIt |
Hips | fa-hips | fab | \f452 | TryIt |
Hire A Helper | fa-hire-a-helper | fab | \f3b0 | TryIt |
Hive | fa-hive | fab | \e07f | TryIt |
Hooli | fa-hooli | fab | \f427 | TryIt |
Hornbill | fa-hornbill | fab | \f592 | TryIt |
Hotjar | fa-hotjar | fab | \f3b1 | TryIt |
Houzz | fa-houzz | fab | \f27c | TryIt |
Html5 | fa-html5 | fab | \f13b | TryIt |
Hubspot | fa-hubspot | fab | \f3b2 | TryIt |
Ideal | fa-ideal | fab | \e013 | TryIt |
Imdb | fa-imdb | fab | \f2d8 | TryIt |
fa-instagram | fab | \f16d | TryIt | |
Instalod | fa-instalod | fab | \e081 | TryIt |
Intercom | fa-intercom | fab | \f7af | TryIt |
Internet Explorer | fa-internet-explorer | fab | \f26b | TryIt |
Invision | fa-invision | fab | \f7b0 | TryIt |
Ioxhost | fa-ioxhost | fab | \f208 | TryIt |
Itch Io | fa-itch-io | fab | \f83a | TryIt |
Itunes Note | fa-itunes-note | fab | \f3b5 | TryIt |
Itunes | fa-itunes | fab | \f3b4 | TryIt |
Java | fa-java | fab | \f4e4 | TryIt |
Jedi Order | fa-jedi-order | fab | \f50e | TryIt |
Jenkins | fa-jenkins | fab | \f3b6 | TryIt |
Jira | fa-jira | fab | \f7b1 | TryIt |
Joget | fa-joget | fab | \f3b7 | TryIt |
Joomla | fa-joomla | fab | \f1aa | TryIt |
Js | fa-js | fab | \f3b8 | TryIt |
Jsfiddle | fa-jsfiddle | fab | \f1cc | TryIt |
Kaggle | fa-kaggle | fab | \f5fa | TryIt |
Keybase | fa-keybase | fab | \f4f5 | TryIt |
Keycdn | fa-keycdn | fab | \f3ba | TryIt |
Kickstarter K | fa-kickstarter-k | fab | \f3bc | TryIt |
Kickstarter | fa-kickstarter | fab | \f3bb | TryIt |
Korvue | fa-korvue | fab | \f42f | TryIt |
Laravel | fa-laravel | fab | \f3bd | TryIt |
Lastfm | fa-lastfm | fab | \f202 | TryIt |
Leanpub | fa-leanpub | fab | \f212 | TryIt |
Less | fa-less | fab | \f41d | TryIt |
Line | fa-line | fab | \f3c0 | TryIt |
Linkedin In | fa-linkedin-in | fab | \f0e1 | TryIt |
fa-linkedin | fab | \f08c | TryIt | |
Linode | fa-linode | fab | \f2b8 | TryIt |
Linux | fa-linux | fab | \f17c | TryIt |
Lyft | fa-lyft | fab | \f3c3 | TryIt |
Magento | fa-magento | fab | \f3c4 | TryIt |
Mailchimp | fa-mailchimp | fab | \f59e | TryIt |
Mandalorian | fa-mandalorian | fab | \f50f | TryIt |
Markdown | fa-markdown | fab | \f60f | TryIt |
Mastodon | fa-mastodon | fab | \f4f6 | TryIt |
Maxcdn | fa-maxcdn | fab | \f136 | TryIt |
Mdb | fa-mdb | fab | \f8ca | TryIt |
Medapps | fa-medapps | fab | \f3c6 | TryIt |
Medium | fa-medium | fab | \f23a | TryIt |
Medrt | fa-medrt | fab | \f3c8 | TryIt |
Meetup | fa-meetup | fab | \f2e0 | TryIt |
Megaport | fa-megaport | fab | \f5a3 | TryIt |
Mendeley | fa-mendeley | fab | \f7b3 | TryIt |
Meta | fa-meta | fab | \e49b | TryIt |
Microblog | fa-microblog | fab | \e01a | TryIt |
Microsoft | fa-microsoft | fab | \f3ca | TryIt |
Mix | fa-mix | fab | \f3cb | TryIt |
Mixcloud | fa-mixcloud | fab | \f289 | TryIt |
Mixer | fa-mixer | fab | \e056 | TryIt |
Mizuni | fa-mizuni | fab | \f3cc | TryIt |
Modx | fa-modx | fab | \f285 | TryIt |
Monero | fa-monero | fab | \f3d0 | TryIt |
Napster | fa-napster | fab | \f3d2 | TryIt |
Neos | fa-neos | fab | \f612 | TryIt |
Nfc Directional | fa-nfc-directional | fab | \e530 | TryIt |
Nfc Symbol | fa-nfc-symbol | fab | \e531 | TryIt |
Nimblr | fa-nimblr | fab | \f5a8 | TryIt |
Node Js | fa-node-js | fab | \f3d3 | TryIt |
Node | fa-node | fab | \f419 | TryIt |
Npm | fa-npm | fab | \f3d4 | TryIt |
Ns8 | fa-ns8 | fab | \f3d5 | TryIt |
Nutritionix | fa-nutritionix | fab | \f3d6 | TryIt |
Octopus Deploy | fa-octopus-deploy | fab | \e082 | TryIt |
Odnoklassniki | fa-odnoklassniki | fab | \f263 | TryIt |
Old Republic | fa-old-republic | fab | \f510 | TryIt |
Opencart | fa-opencart | fab | \f23d | TryIt |
Openid | fa-openid | fab | \f19b | TryIt |
Opera | fa-opera | fab | \f26a | TryIt |
Optin Monster | fa-optin-monster | fab | \f23c | TryIt |
Orcid | fa-orcid | fab | \f8d2 | TryIt |
Osi | fa-osi | fab | \f41a | TryIt |
Padlet | fa-padlet | fab | \e4a0 | TryIt |
Page4 | fa-page4 | fab | \f3d7 | TryIt |
Pagelines | fa-pagelines | fab | \f18c | TryIt |
Palfed | fa-palfed | fab | \f3d8 | TryIt |
Patreon | fa-patreon | fab | \f3d9 | TryIt |
Paypal | fa-paypal | fab | \f1ed | TryIt |
Perbyte | fa-perbyte | fab | \e083 | TryIt |
Periscope | fa-periscope | fab | \f3da | TryIt |
Phabricator | fa-phabricator | fab | \f3db | TryIt |
Phoenix Framework | fa-phoenix-framework | fab | \f3dc | TryIt |
Phoenix Squadron | fa-phoenix-squadron | fab | \f511 | TryIt |
Php | fa-php | fab | \f457 | TryIt |
Pied Piper Alt | fa-pied-piper-alt | fab | \f1a8 | TryIt |
Pied Piper Hat | fa-pied-piper-hat | fab | \f4e5 | TryIt |
Pied Piper Pp | fa-pied-piper-pp | fab | \f1a7 | TryIt |
Pied Piper | fa-pied-piper | fab | \f2ae | TryIt |
Pinterest P | fa-pinterest-p | fab | \f231 | TryIt |
fa-pinterest | fab | \f0d2 | TryIt | |
Pix | fa-pix | fab | \e43a | TryIt |
Playstation | fa-playstation | fab | \f3df | TryIt |
Product Hunt | fa-product-hunt | fab | \f288 | TryIt |
Pushed | fa-pushed | fab | \f3e1 | TryIt |
Python | fa-python | fab | \f3e2 | TryIt |
fa-qq | fab | \f1d6 | TryIt | |
Quinscape | fa-quinscape | fab | \f459 | TryIt |
Quora | fa-quora | fab | \f2c4 | TryIt |
R Project | fa-r-project | fab | \f4f7 | TryIt |
Raspberry Pi | fa-raspberry-pi | fab | \f7bb | TryIt |
Ravelry | fa-ravelry | fab | \f2d9 | TryIt |
React | fa-react | fab | \f41b | TryIt |
Reacteurope | fa-reacteurope | fab | \f75d | TryIt |
Readme | fa-readme | fab | \f4d5 | TryIt |
Rebel | fa-rebel | fab | \f1d0 | TryIt |
Red River | fa-red-river | fab | \f3e3 | TryIt |
Reddit Alien | fa-reddit-alien | fab | \f281 | TryIt |
fa-reddit | fab | \f1a1 | TryIt | |
Redhat | fa-redhat | fab | \f7bc | TryIt |
Renren | fa-renren | fab | \f18b | TryIt |
Replyd | fa-replyd | fab | \f3e6 | TryIt |
Researchgate | fa-researchgate | fab | \f4f8 | TryIt |
Resolving | fa-resolving | fab | \f3e7 | TryIt |
Rev | fa-rev | fab | \f5b2 | TryIt |
Rocketchat | fa-rocketchat | fab | \f3e8 | TryIt |
Rockrms | fa-rockrms | fab | \f3e9 | TryIt |
Rust | fa-rust | fab | \e07a | TryIt |
Safari | fa-safari | fab | \f267 | TryIt |
Salesforce | fa-salesforce | fab | \f83b | TryIt |
Sass | fa-sass | fab | \f41e | TryIt |
Schlix | fa-schlix | fab | \f3ea | TryIt |
Screenpal | fa-screenpal | fab | \e570 | TryIt |
Scribd | fa-scribd | fab | \f28a | TryIt |
Searchengin | fa-searchengin | fab | \f3eb | TryIt |
Sellcast | fa-sellcast | fab | \f2da | TryIt |
Sellsy | fa-sellsy | fab | \f213 | TryIt |
Servicestack | fa-servicestack | fab | \f3ec | TryIt |
Shirtsinbulk | fa-shirtsinbulk | fab | \f214 | TryIt |
Shopify | fa-shopify | fab | \e057 | TryIt |
Shopware | fa-shopware | fab | \f5b5 | TryIt |
Simplybuilt | fa-simplybuilt | fab | \f215 | TryIt |
Sistrix | fa-sistrix | fab | \f3ee | TryIt |
Sith | fa-sith | fab | \f512 | TryIt |
Sitrox | fa-sitrox | fab | \e44a | TryIt |
Sketch | fa-sketch | fab | \f7c6 | TryIt |
Skyatlas | fa-skyatlas | fab | \f216 | TryIt |
Skype | fa-skype | fab | \f17e | TryIt |
Slack | fa-slack | fab | \f198 | TryIt |
Slideshare | fa-slideshare | fab | \f1e7 | TryIt |
Snapchat | fa-snapchat | fab | \f2ab | TryIt |
Soundcloud | fa-soundcloud | fab | \f1be | TryIt |
Sourcetree | fa-sourcetree | fab | \f7d3 | TryIt |
Space Awesome | fa-space-awesome | fab | \e5ac | TryIt |
Speakap | fa-speakap | fab | \f3f3 | TryIt |
Speaker Deck | fa-speaker-deck | fab | \f83c | TryIt |
Spotify | fa-spotify | fab | \f1bc | TryIt |
Square Behance | fa-square-behance | fab | \f1b5 | TryIt |
Square Dribbble | fa-square-dribbble | fab | \f397 | TryIt |
Square Facebook | fa-square-facebook | fab | \f082 | TryIt |
Square Font Awesome Stroke | fa-square-font-awesome-stroke | fab | \f35c | TryIt |
Square Font Awesome | fa-square-font-awesome | fab | \e5ad | TryIt |
Square Git | fa-square-git | fab | \f1d2 | TryIt |
Square Github | fa-square-github | fab | \f092 | TryIt |
Square Gitlab | fa-square-gitlab | fab | \e5ae | TryIt |
Square Google Plus | fa-square-google-plus | fab | \f0d4 | TryIt |
Square Hacker News | fa-square-hacker-news | fab | \f3af | TryIt |
Square Instagram | fa-square-instagram | fab | \e055 | TryIt |
Square Js | fa-square-js | fab | \f3b9 | TryIt |
Square Lastfm | fa-square-lastfm | fab | \f203 | TryIt |
Square Odnoklassniki | fa-square-odnoklassniki | fab | \f264 | TryIt |
Square Pied Piper | fa-square-pied-piper | fab | \e01e | TryIt |
Square Pinterest | fa-square-pinterest | fab | \f0d3 | TryIt |
Square Reddit | fa-square-reddit | fab | \f1a2 | TryIt |
Square Snapchat | fa-square-snapchat | fab | \f2ad | TryIt |
Square Steam | fa-square-steam | fab | \f1b7 | TryIt |
Square Tumblr | fa-square-tumblr | fab | \f174 | TryIt |
Square Twitter | fa-square-twitter | fab | \f081 | TryIt |
Square Viadeo | fa-square-viadeo | fab | \f2aa | TryIt |
Square Vimeo | fa-square-vimeo | fab | \f194 | TryIt |
Square Whatsapp | fa-square-whatsapp | fab | \f40c | TryIt |
Square Xing | fa-square-xing | fab | \f169 | TryIt |
Square Youtube | fa-square-youtube | fab | \f431 | TryIt |
Squarespace | fa-squarespace | fab | \f5be | TryIt |
Stack Exchange | fa-stack-exchange | fab | \f18d | TryIt |
Stack Overflow | fa-stack-overflow | fab | \f16c | TryIt |
Stackpath | fa-stackpath | fab | \f842 | TryIt |
Staylinked | fa-staylinked | fab | \f3f5 | TryIt |
Steam Symbol | fa-steam-symbol | fab | \f3f6 | TryIt |
Steam | fa-steam | fab | \f1b6 | TryIt |
Sticker Mule | fa-sticker-mule | fab | \f3f7 | TryIt |
Strava | fa-strava | fab | \f428 | TryIt |
Stripe S | fa-stripe-s | fab | \f42a | TryIt |
Stripe | fa-stripe | fab | \f429 | TryIt |
Studiovinari | fa-studiovinari | fab | \f3f8 | TryIt |
Stumbleupon Circle | fa-stumbleupon-circle | fab | \f1a3 | TryIt |
Stumbleupon | fa-stumbleupon | fab | \f1a4 | TryIt |
Superpowers | fa-superpowers | fab | \f2dd | TryIt |
Supple | fa-supple | fab | \f3f9 | TryIt |
Suse | fa-suse | fab | \f7d6 | TryIt |
Swift | fa-swift | fab | \f8e1 | TryIt |
Symfony | fa-symfony | fab | \f83d | TryIt |
Teamspeak | fa-teamspeak | fab | \f4f9 | TryIt |
Telegram | fa-telegram | fab | \f2c6 | TryIt |
Tencent Weibo | fa-tencent-weibo | fab | \f1d5 | TryIt |
The Red Yeti | fa-the-red-yeti | fab | \f69d | TryIt |
Themeco | fa-themeco | fab | \f5c6 | TryIt |
Themeisle | fa-themeisle | fab | \f2b2 | TryIt |
Think Peaks | fa-think-peaks | fab | \f731 | TryIt |
Tiktok | fa-tiktok | fab | \e07b | TryIt |
Trade Federation | fa-trade-federation | fab | \f513 | TryIt |
Trello | fa-trello | fab | \f181 | TryIt |
Tumblr | fa-tumblr | fab | \f173 | TryIt |
Twitch | fa-twitch | fab | \f1e8 | TryIt |
fa-twitter | fab | \f099 | TryIt | |
Typo3 | fa-typo3 | fab | \f42b | TryIt |
Uber | fa-uber | fab | \f402 | TryIt |
Ubuntu | fa-ubuntu | fab | \f7df | TryIt |
Uikit | fa-uikit | fab | \f403 | TryIt |
Umbraco | fa-umbraco | fab | \f8e8 | TryIt |
Uncharted | fa-uncharted | fab | \e084 | TryIt |
Uniregistry | fa-uniregistry | fab | \f404 | TryIt |
Unity | fa-unity | fab | \e049 | TryIt |
Unsplash | fa-unsplash | fab | \e07c | TryIt |
Untappd | fa-untappd | fab | \f405 | TryIt |
Ups | fa-ups | fab | \f7e0 | TryIt |
Usb | fa-usb | fab | \f287 | TryIt |
Usps | fa-usps | fab | \f7e1 | TryIt |
Ussunnah | fa-ussunnah | fab | \f407 | TryIt |
Vaadin | fa-vaadin | fab | \f408 | TryIt |
Viacoin | fa-viacoin | fab | \f237 | TryIt |
Viadeo | fa-viadeo | fab | \f2a9 | TryIt |
Viber | fa-viber | fab | \f409 | TryIt |
Vimeo V | fa-vimeo-v | fab | \f27d | TryIt |
Vimeo | fa-vimeo | fab | \f40a | TryIt |
Vine | fa-vine | fab | \f1ca | TryIt |
Vk | fa-vk | fab | \f189 | TryIt |
Vnv | fa-vnv | fab | \f40b | TryIt |
Vuejs | fa-vuejs | fab | \f41f | TryIt |
Watchman Monitoring | fa-watchman-monitoring | fab | \e087 | TryIt |
Waze | fa-waze | fab | \f83f | TryIt |
Weebly | fa-weebly | fab | \f5cc | TryIt |
fa-weibo | fab | \f18a | TryIt | |
Weixin | fa-weixin | fab | \f1d7 | TryIt |
fa-whatsapp | fab | \f232 | TryIt | |
Whmcs | fa-whmcs | fab | \f40d | TryIt |
Wikipedia W | fa-wikipedia-w | fab | \f266 | TryIt |
Windows | fa-windows | fab | \f17a | TryIt |
Wirsindhandwerk | fa-wirsindhandwerk | fab | \e2d0 | TryIt |
Wix | fa-wix | fab | \f5cf | TryIt |
Wizards Of The Coast | fa-wizards-of-the-coast | fab | \f730 | TryIt |
Wodu | fa-wodu | fab | \e088 | TryIt |
Wolf Pack Battalion | fa-wolf-pack-battalion | fab | \f514 | TryIt |
Wordpress Simple | fa-wordpress-simple | fab | \f411 | TryIt |
Wordpress | fa-wordpress | fab | \f19a | TryIt |
Wpbeginner | fa-wpbeginner | fab | \f297 | TryIt |
Wpexplorer | fa-wpexplorer | fab | \f2de | TryIt |
Wpforms | fa-wpforms | fab | \f298 | TryIt |
Wpressr | fa-wpressr | fab | \f3e4 | TryIt |
Xbox | fa-xbox | fab | \f412 | TryIt |
fa-xing | fab | \f168 | TryIt | |
Y Combinator | fa-y-combinator | fab | \f23b | TryIt |
Yahoo | fa-yahoo | fab | \f19e | TryIt |
Yammer | fa-yammer | fab | \f840 | TryIt |
Yandex International | fa-yandex-international | fab | \f414 | TryIt |
Yandex | fa-yandex | fab | \f413 | TryIt |
Yarn | fa-yarn | fab | \f7e3 | TryIt |
Yelp | fa-yelp | fab | \f1e9 | TryIt |
Yoast | fa-yoast | fab | \f2b1 | TryIt |
Youtube | fa-youtube | fab | \f167 | TryIt |
Zhihu | fa-zhihu | fab | \f63f | TryIt |
Address Book | fa-address-book | far | \f2b9 | TryIt |
Address Card | fa-address-card | far | \f2bb | TryIt |
Bell Slash | fa-bell-slash | far | \f1f6 | TryIt |
Bell | fa-bell | far | \f0f3 | TryIt |
Bookmark | fa-bookmark | far | \f02e | TryIt |
Building | fa-building | far | \f1ad | TryIt |
Calendar Check | fa-calendar-check | far | \f274 | TryIt |
Calendar Days | fa-calendar-days | far | \f073 | TryIt |
Calendar Minus | fa-calendar-minus | far | \f272 | TryIt |
Calendar Plus | fa-calendar-plus | far | \f271 | TryIt |
Calendar Xmark | fa-calendar-xmark | far | \f273 | TryIt |
Calendar | fa-calendar | far | \f133 | TryIt |
Chart Bar | fa-chart-bar | far | \f080 | TryIt |
Chess Bishop | fa-chess-bishop | far | \f43a | TryIt |
Chess King | fa-chess-king | far | \f43f | TryIt |
Chess Knight | fa-chess-knight | far | \f441 | TryIt |
Chess Pawn | fa-chess-pawn | far | \f443 | TryIt |
Chess Queen | fa-chess-queen | far | \f445 | TryIt |
Chess Rook | fa-chess-rook | far | \f447 | TryIt |
Circle Check | fa-circle-check | far | \f058 | TryIt |
Circle Dot | fa-circle-dot | far | \f192 | TryIt |
Circle Down | fa-circle-down | far | \f358 | TryIt |
Circle Left | fa-circle-left | far | \f359 | TryIt |
Circle Pause | fa-circle-pause | far | \f28b | TryIt |
Circle Play | fa-circle-play | far | \f144 | TryIt |
Circle Question | fa-circle-question | far | \f059 | TryIt |
Circle Right | fa-circle-right | far | \f35a | TryIt |
Circle Stop | fa-circle-stop | far | \f28d | TryIt |
Circle Up | fa-circle-up | far | \f35b | TryIt |
Circle User | fa-circle-user | far | \f2bd | TryIt |
Circle Xmark | fa-circle-xmark | far | \f057 | TryIt |
Circle | fa-circle | far | \f111 | TryIt |
Clipboard | fa-clipboard | far | \f328 | TryIt |
Clock | fa-clock | far | \f017 | TryIt |
Clone | fa-clone | far | \f24d | TryIt |
Closed Captioning | fa-closed-captioning | far | \f20a | TryIt |
Comment Dots | fa-comment-dots | far | \f4ad | TryIt |
Comment | fa-comment | far | \f075 | TryIt |
Comments | fa-comments | far | \f086 | TryIt |
Compass | fa-compass | far | \f14e | TryIt |
Copy | fa-copy | far | \f0c5 | TryIt |
Copyright | fa-copyright | far | \f1f9 | TryIt |
Credit Card | fa-credit-card | far | \f09d | TryIt |
Envelope Open | fa-envelope-open | far | \f2b6 | TryIt |
Envelope | fa-envelope | far | \f0e0 | TryIt |
Eye Slash | fa-eye-slash | far | \f070 | TryIt |
Eye | fa-eye | far | \f06e | TryIt |
Face Angry | fa-face-angry | far | \f556 | TryIt |
Face Dizzy | fa-face-dizzy | far | \f567 | TryIt |
Face Flushed | fa-face-flushed | far | \f579 | TryIt |
Face Frown Open | fa-face-frown-open | far | \f57a | TryIt |
Face Frown | fa-face-frown | far | \f119 | TryIt |
Face Grimace | fa-face-grimace | far | \f57f | TryIt |
Face Grin Beam Sweat | fa-face-grin-beam-sweat | far | \f583 | TryIt |
Face Grin Beam | fa-face-grin-beam | far | \f582 | TryIt |
Face Grin Hearts | fa-face-grin-hearts | far | \f584 | TryIt |
Face Grin Squint Tears | fa-face-grin-squint-tears | far | \f586 | TryIt |
Face Grin Squint | fa-face-grin-squint | far | \f585 | TryIt |
Face Grin Stars | fa-face-grin-stars | far | \f587 | TryIt |
Face Grin Tears | fa-face-grin-tears | far | \f588 | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue Squint | fa-face-grin-tongue-squint | far | \f58a | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue Wink | fa-face-grin-tongue-wink | far | \f58b | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue | fa-face-grin-tongue | far | \f589 | TryIt |
Face Grin Wide | fa-face-grin-wide | far | \f581 | TryIt |
Face Grin Wink | fa-face-grin-wink | far | \f58c | TryIt |
Face Grin | fa-face-grin | far | \f580 | TryIt |
Face Kiss Beam | fa-face-kiss-beam | far | \f597 | TryIt |
Face Kiss Wink Heart | fa-face-kiss-wink-heart | far | \f598 | TryIt |
Face Kiss | fa-face-kiss | far | \f596 | TryIt |
Face Laugh Beam | fa-face-laugh-beam | far | \f59a | TryIt |
Face Laugh Squint | fa-face-laugh-squint | far | \f59b | TryIt |
Face Laugh Wink | fa-face-laugh-wink | far | \f59c | TryIt |
Face Laugh | fa-face-laugh | far | \f599 | TryIt |
Face Meh Blank | fa-face-meh-blank | far | \f5a4 | TryIt |
Face Meh | fa-face-meh | far | \f11a | TryIt |
Face Rolling Eyes | fa-face-rolling-eyes | far | \f5a5 | TryIt |
Face Sad Cry | fa-face-sad-cry | far | \f5b3 | TryIt |
Face Sad Tear | fa-face-sad-tear | far | \f5b4 | TryIt |
Face Smile Beam | fa-face-smile-beam | far | \f5b8 | TryIt |
Face Smile Wink | fa-face-smile-wink | far | \f4da | TryIt |
Face Smile | fa-face-smile | far | \f118 | TryIt |
Face Surprise | fa-face-surprise | far | \f5c2 | TryIt |
Face Tired | fa-face-tired | far | \f5c8 | TryIt |
File Audio | fa-file-audio | far | \f1c7 | TryIt |
File Code | fa-file-code | far | \f1c9 | TryIt |
File Excel | fa-file-excel | far | \f1c3 | TryIt |
File Image | fa-file-image | far | \f1c5 | TryIt |
File Lines | fa-file-lines | far | \f15c | TryIt |
File Pdf | fa-file-pdf | far | \f1c1 | TryIt |
File Powerpoint | fa-file-powerpoint | far | \f1c4 | TryIt |
File Video | fa-file-video | far | \f1c8 | TryIt |
File Word | fa-file-word | far | \f1c2 | TryIt |
File Zipper | fa-file-zipper | far | \f1c6 | TryIt |
File | fa-file | far | \f15b | TryIt |
Flag | fa-flag | far | \f024 | TryIt |
Floppy Disk | fa-floppy-disk | far | \f0c7 | TryIt |
Folder Closed | fa-folder-closed | far | \e185 | TryIt |
Folder Open | fa-folder-open | far | \f07c | TryIt |
Folder | fa-folder | far | \f07b | TryIt |
Font Awesome | fa-font-awesome | far | \f2b4 | TryIt |
Futbol | fa-futbol | far | \f1e3 | TryIt |
Gem | fa-gem | far | \f3a5 | TryIt |
Hand Back Fist | fa-hand-back-fist | far | \f255 | TryIt |
Hand Lizard | fa-hand-lizard | far | \f258 | TryIt |
Hand Peace | fa-hand-peace | far | \f25b | TryIt |
Hand Point Down | fa-hand-point-down | far | \f0a7 | TryIt |
Hand Point Left | fa-hand-point-left | far | \f0a5 | TryIt |
Hand Point Right | fa-hand-point-right | far | \f0a4 | TryIt |
Hand Point Up | fa-hand-point-up | far | \f0a6 | TryIt |
Hand Pointer | fa-hand-pointer | far | \f25a | TryIt |
Hand Scissors | fa-hand-scissors | far | \f257 | TryIt |
Hand Spock | fa-hand-spock | far | \f259 | TryIt |
Hand | fa-hand | far | \f256 | TryIt |
Handshake | fa-handshake | far | \f2b5 | TryIt |
Hard Drive | fa-hard-drive | far | \f0a0 | TryIt |
Heart | fa-heart | far | \f004 | TryIt |
Hospital | fa-hospital | far | \f0f8 | TryIt |
Hourglass Half | fa-hourglass-half | far | \f252 | TryIt |
Hourglass | fa-hourglass | far | \f254 | TryIt |
Id Badge | fa-id-badge | far | \f2c1 | TryIt |
Id Card | fa-id-card | far | \f2c2 | TryIt |
Image | fa-image | far | \f03e | TryIt |
Images | fa-images | far | \f302 | TryIt |
Keyboard | fa-keyboard | far | \f11c | TryIt |
Lemon | fa-lemon | far | \f094 | TryIt |
Life Ring | fa-life-ring | far | \f1cd | TryIt |
Lightbulb | fa-lightbulb | far | \f0eb | TryIt |
Map | fa-map | far | \f279 | TryIt |
Message | fa-message | far | \f27a | TryIt |
Money Bill 1 | fa-money-bill-1 | far | \f3d1 | TryIt |
Moon | fa-moon | far | \f186 | TryIt |
Newspaper | fa-newspaper | far | \f1ea | TryIt |
Note Sticky | fa-note-sticky | far | \f249 | TryIt |
Object Group | fa-object-group | far | \f247 | TryIt |
Object Ungroup | fa-object-ungroup | far | \f248 | TryIt |
Paper Plane | fa-paper-plane | far | \f1d8 | TryIt |
Paste | fa-paste | far | \f0ea | TryIt |
Pen To Square | fa-pen-to-square | far | \f044 | TryIt |
Rectangle List | fa-rectangle-list | far | \f022 | TryIt |
Rectangle Xmark | fa-rectangle-xmark | far | \f410 | TryIt |
Registered | fa-registered | far | \f25d | TryIt |
Share From Square | fa-share-from-square | far | \f14d | TryIt |
Snowflake | fa-snowflake | far | \f2dc | TryIt |
Square Caret Down | fa-square-caret-down | far | \f150 | TryIt |
Square Caret Left | fa-square-caret-left | far | \f191 | TryIt |
Square Caret Right | fa-square-caret-right | far | \f152 | TryIt |
Square Caret Up | fa-square-caret-up | far | \f151 | TryIt |
Square Check | fa-square-check | far | \f14a | TryIt |
Square Full | fa-square-full | far | \f45c | TryIt |
Square Minus | fa-square-minus | far | \f146 | TryIt |
Square Plus | fa-square-plus | far | \f0fe | TryIt |
Square | fa-square | far | \f0c8 | TryIt |
Star Half Stroke | fa-star-half-stroke | far | \f5c0 | TryIt |
Star Half | fa-star-half | far | \f089 | TryIt |
Star | fa-star | far | \f005 | TryIt |
Sun | fa-sun | far | \f185 | TryIt |
Thumbs Down | fa-thumbs-down | far | \f165 | TryIt |
Thumbs Up | fa-thumbs-up | far | \f164 | TryIt |
Trash Can | fa-trash-can | far | \f2ed | TryIt |
User | fa-user | far | \f007 | TryIt |
Window Maximize | fa-window-maximize | far | \f2d0 | TryIt |
Window Minimize | fa-window-minimize | far | \f2d1 | TryIt |
Window Restore | fa-window-restore | far | \f2d2 | TryIt |
0 Number | fa-0 | fas | \30 | TryIt |
1 Number | fa-1 | fas | \31 | TryIt |
2 Number | fa-2 | fas | \32 | TryIt |
3 Number | fa-3 | fas | \33 | TryIt |
4 Number | fa-4 | fas | \34 | TryIt |
5 Number | fa-5 | fas | \35 | TryIt |
6 Number | fa-6 | fas | \36 | TryIt |
7 Number | fa-7 | fas | \37 | TryIt |
8 Number | fa-8 | fas | \38 | TryIt |
9 Number | fa-9 | fas | \39 | TryIt |
A | fa-a | fas | \41 | TryIt |
Address Book | fa-address-book | fas | \f2b9 | TryIt |
Address Card | fa-address-card | fas | \f2bb | TryIt |
Align Center | fa-align-center | fas | \f037 | TryIt |
Align Justify | fa-align-justify | fas | \f039 | TryIt |
Align Left | fa-align-left | fas | \f036 | TryIt |
Align Right | fa-align-right | fas | \f038 | TryIt |
Anchor Circle Check | fa-anchor-circle-check | fas | \e4aa | TryIt |
Anchor Circle Exclamation | fa-anchor-circle-exclamation | fas | \e4ab | TryIt |
Anchor Circle Xmark | fa-anchor-circle-xmark | fas | \e4ac | TryIt |
Anchor Lock | fa-anchor-lock | fas | \e4ad | TryIt |
Anchor | fa-anchor | fas | \f13d | TryIt |
Angle Down | fa-angle-down | fas | \f107 | TryIt |
Angle Left | fa-angle-left | fas | \f104 | TryIt |
Angle Right | fa-angle-right | fas | \f105 | TryIt |
Angle Up | fa-angle-up | fas | \f106 | TryIt |
Angles Down | fa-angles-down | fas | \f103 | TryIt |
Angles Left | fa-angles-left | fas | \f100 | TryIt |
Angles Right | fa-angles-right | fas | \f101 | TryIt |
Angles Up | fa-angles-up | fas | \f102 | TryIt |
Ankh | fa-ankh | fas | \f644 | TryIt |
Apple Whole | fa-apple-whole | fas | \f5d1 | TryIt |
Archway | fa-archway | fas | \f557 | TryIt |
Arrow Down 1 9 | fa-arrow-down-1-9 | fas | \f162 | TryIt |
Arrow Down 9 1 | fa-arrow-down-9-1 | fas | \f886 | TryIt |
Arrow Down A Z | fa-arrow-down-a-z | fas | \f15d | TryIt |
Arrow Down Long | fa-arrow-down-long | fas | \f175 | TryIt |
Arrow Down Short Wide | fa-arrow-down-short-wide | fas | \f884 | TryIt |
Arrow Down Up Across Line | fa-arrow-down-up-across-line | fas | \e4af | TryIt |
Arrow Down Up Lock | fa-arrow-down-up-lock | fas | \e4b0 | TryIt |
Arrow Down Wide Short | fa-arrow-down-wide-short | fas | \f160 | TryIt |
Arrow Down Z A | fa-arrow-down-z-a | fas | \f881 | TryIt |
Arrow Down | fa-arrow-down | fas | \f063 | TryIt |
Arrow Left Long | fa-arrow-left-long | fas | \f177 | TryIt |
Arrow Left | fa-arrow-left | fas | \f060 | TryIt |
Arrow Pointer | fa-arrow-pointer | fas | \f245 | TryIt |
Arrow Right Arrow Left | fa-arrow-right-arrow-left | fas | \f0ec | TryIt |
Arrow Right From Bracket | fa-arrow-right-from-bracket | fas | \f08b | TryIt |
Arrow Right Long | fa-arrow-right-long | fas | \f178 | TryIt |
Arrow Right To Bracket | fa-arrow-right-to-bracket | fas | \f090 | TryIt |
Arrow Right To City | fa-arrow-right-to-city | fas | \e4b3 | TryIt |
Arrow Right | fa-arrow-right | fas | \f061 | TryIt |
Arrow Rotate Left | fa-arrow-rotate-left | fas | \f0e2 | TryIt |
Arrow Rotate Right | fa-arrow-rotate-right | fas | \f01e | TryIt |
Arrow Trend Down | fa-arrow-trend-down | fas | \e097 | TryIt |
Arrow Trend Up | fa-arrow-trend-up | fas | \e098 | TryIt |
Arrow Turn Down | fa-arrow-turn-down | fas | \f149 | TryIt |
Arrow Turn Up | fa-arrow-turn-up | fas | \f148 | TryIt |
Arrow Up 1 9 | fa-arrow-up-1-9 | fas | \f163 | TryIt |
Arrow Up 9 1 | fa-arrow-up-9-1 | fas | \f887 | TryIt |
Arrow Up A Z | fa-arrow-up-a-z | fas | \f15e | TryIt |
Arrow Up From Bracket | fa-arrow-up-from-bracket | fas | \e09a | TryIt |
Arrow Up From Ground Water | fa-arrow-up-from-ground-water | fas | \e4b5 | TryIt |
Arrow Up From Water Pump | fa-arrow-up-from-water-pump | fas | \e4b6 | TryIt |
Arrow Up Long | fa-arrow-up-long | fas | \f176 | TryIt |
Arrow Up Right Dots | fa-arrow-up-right-dots | fas | \e4b7 | TryIt |
Arrow Up Right From Square | fa-arrow-up-right-from-square | fas | \f08e | TryIt |
Arrow Up Short Wide | fa-arrow-up-short-wide | fas | \f885 | TryIt |
Arrow Up Wide Short | fa-arrow-up-wide-short | fas | \f161 | TryIt |
Arrow Up Z A | fa-arrow-up-z-a | fas | \f882 | TryIt |
Arrow Up | fa-arrow-up | fas | \f062 | TryIt |
Arrows Down To Line | fa-arrows-down-to-line | fas | \e4b8 | TryIt |
Arrows Down To People | fa-arrows-down-to-people | fas | \e4b9 | TryIt |
Arrows Left Right To Line | fa-arrows-left-right-to-line | fas | \e4ba | TryIt |
Arrows Left Right | fa-arrows-left-right | fas | \f07e | TryIt |
Arrows Rotate | fa-arrows-rotate | fas | \f021 | TryIt |
Arrows Spin | fa-arrows-spin | fas | \e4bb | TryIt |
Arrows Split Up And Left | fa-arrows-split-up-and-left | fas | \e4bc | TryIt |
Arrows To Circle | fa-arrows-to-circle | fas | \e4bd | TryIt |
Arrows To Dot | fa-arrows-to-dot | fas | \e4be | TryIt |
Arrows To Eye | fa-arrows-to-eye | fas | \e4bf | TryIt |
Arrows Turn Right | fa-arrows-turn-right | fas | \e4c0 | TryIt |
Arrows Turn To Dots | fa-arrows-turn-to-dots | fas | \e4c1 | TryIt |
Arrows Up Down Left Right | fa-arrows-up-down-left-right | fas | \f047 | TryIt |
Arrows Up Down | fa-arrows-up-down | fas | \f07d | TryIt |
Arrows Up To Line | fa-arrows-up-to-line | fas | \e4c2 | TryIt |
Asterisk | fa-asterisk | fas | \2a | TryIt |
At | fa-at | fas | \40 | TryIt |
Atom | fa-atom | fas | \f5d2 | TryIt |
Audio Description | fa-audio-description | fas | \f29e | TryIt |
Austral Sign | fa-austral-sign | fas | \e0a9 | TryIt |
Award | fa-award | fas | \f559 | TryIt |
B | fa-b | fas | \42 | TryIt |
Baby Carriage | fa-baby-carriage | fas | \f77d | TryIt |
Baby | fa-baby | fas | \f77c | TryIt |
Backward Fast | fa-backward-fast | fas | \f049 | TryIt |
Backward Step | fa-backward-step | fas | \f048 | TryIt |
Backward | fa-backward | fas | \f04a | TryIt |
Bacon | fa-bacon | fas | \f7e5 | TryIt |
Bacteria | fa-bacteria | fas | \e059 | TryIt |
Bacterium | fa-bacterium | fas | \e05a | TryIt |
Bag Shopping | fa-bag-shopping | fas | \f290 | TryIt |
Bahai | fa-bahai | fas | \f666 | TryIt |
Baht Sign | fa-baht-sign | fas | \e0ac | TryIt |
Ban Smoking | fa-ban-smoking | fas | \f54d | TryIt |
Ban | fa-ban | fas | \f05e | TryIt |
Bandage | fa-bandage | fas | \f462 | TryIt |
Barcode | fa-barcode | fas | \f02a | TryIt |
Bars Progress | fa-bars-progress | fas | \f828 | TryIt |
Bars Staggered | fa-bars-staggered | fas | \f550 | TryIt |
Bars | fa-bars | fas | \f0c9 | TryIt |
Baseball Bat Ball | fa-baseball-bat-ball | fas | \f432 | TryIt |
Baseball | fa-baseball | fas | \f433 | TryIt |
Basket Shopping | fa-basket-shopping | fas | \f291 | TryIt |
Basketball | fa-basketball | fas | \f434 | TryIt |
Bath | fa-bath | fas | \f2cd | TryIt |
Battery Empty | fa-battery-empty | fas | \f244 | TryIt |
Battery Full | fa-battery-full | fas | \f240 | TryIt |
Battery Half | fa-battery-half | fas | \f242 | TryIt |
Battery Quarter | fa-battery-quarter | fas | \f243 | TryIt |
Battery Three Quarters | fa-battery-three-quarters | fas | \f241 | TryIt |
Bed Pulse | fa-bed-pulse | fas | \f487 | TryIt |
Bed | fa-bed | fas | \f236 | TryIt |
Beer Mug Empty | fa-beer-mug-empty | fas | \f0fc | TryIt |
Bell Concierge | fa-bell-concierge | fas | \f562 | TryIt |
Bell Slash | fa-bell-slash | fas | \f1f6 | TryIt |
Bell | fa-bell | fas | \f0f3 | TryIt |
Bezier Curve | fa-bezier-curve | fas | \f55b | TryIt |
Bicycle | fa-bicycle | fas | \f206 | TryIt |
Binoculars | fa-binoculars | fas | \f1e5 | TryIt |
Biohazard | fa-biohazard | fas | \f780 | TryIt |
Bitcoin Sign | fa-bitcoin-sign | fas | \e0b4 | TryIt |
Blender Phone | fa-blender-phone | fas | \f6b6 | TryIt |
Blender | fa-blender | fas | \f517 | TryIt |
Blog | fa-blog | fas | \f781 | TryIt |
Bold | fa-bold | fas | \f032 | TryIt |
Bolt Lightning | fa-bolt-lightning | fas | \e0b7 | TryIt |
Bolt | fa-bolt | fas | \f0e7 | TryIt |
Bomb | fa-bomb | fas | \f1e2 | TryIt |
Bone | fa-bone | fas | \f5d7 | TryIt |
Bong | fa-bong | fas | \f55c | TryIt |
Book Atlas | fa-book-atlas | fas | \f558 | TryIt |
Book Bible | fa-book-bible | fas | \f647 | TryIt |
Book Bookmark | fa-book-bookmark | fas | \e0bb | TryIt |
Book Journal Whills | fa-book-journal-whills | fas | \f66a | TryIt |
Book Medical | fa-book-medical | fas | \f7e6 | TryIt |
Book Open Reader | fa-book-open-reader | fas | \f5da | TryIt |
Book Open | fa-book-open | fas | \f518 | TryIt |
Book Quran | fa-book-quran | fas | \f687 | TryIt |
Book Skull | fa-book-skull | fas | \f6b7 | TryIt |
Book Tanakh | fa-book-tanakh | fas | \f827 | TryIt |
Book | fa-book | fas | \f02d | TryIt |
Bookmark | fa-bookmark | fas | \f02e | TryIt |
Border All | fa-border-all | fas | \f84c | TryIt |
Border None | fa-border-none | fas | \f850 | TryIt |
Border Top Left | fa-border-top-left | fas | \f853 | TryIt |
Bore Hole | fa-bore-hole | fas | \e4c3 | TryIt |
Bottle Droplet | fa-bottle-droplet | fas | \e4c4 | TryIt |
Bottle Water | fa-bottle-water | fas | \e4c5 | TryIt |
Bowl Food | fa-bowl-food | fas | \e4c6 | TryIt |
Bowl Rice | fa-bowl-rice | fas | \e2eb | TryIt |
Bowling Ball | fa-bowling-ball | fas | \f436 | TryIt |
Box Archive | fa-box-archive | fas | \f187 | TryIt |
Box Open | fa-box-open | fas | \f49e | TryIt |
Box Tissue | fa-box-tissue | fas | \e05b | TryIt |
Box | fa-box | fas | \f466 | TryIt |
Boxes Packing | fa-boxes-packing | fas | \e4c7 | TryIt |
Boxes Stacked | fa-boxes-stacked | fas | \f468 | TryIt |
Braille | fa-braille | fas | \f2a1 | TryIt |
Brain | fa-brain | fas | \f5dc | TryIt |
Brazilian Real Sign | fa-brazilian-real-sign | fas | \e46c | TryIt |
Bread Slice | fa-bread-slice | fas | \f7ec | TryIt |
Bridge Circle Check | fa-bridge-circle-check | fas | \e4c9 | TryIt |
Bridge Circle Exclamation | fa-bridge-circle-exclamation | fas | \e4ca | TryIt |
Bridge Circle Xmark | fa-bridge-circle-xmark | fas | \e4cb | TryIt |
Bridge Lock | fa-bridge-lock | fas | \e4cc | TryIt |
Bridge Water | fa-bridge-water | fas | \e4ce | TryIt |
Bridge | fa-bridge | fas | \e4c8 | TryIt |
Briefcase Medical | fa-briefcase-medical | fas | \f469 | TryIt |
Briefcase | fa-briefcase | fas | \f0b1 | TryIt |
Broom Ball | fa-broom-ball | fas | \f458 | TryIt |
Broom | fa-broom | fas | \f51a | TryIt |
Brush | fa-brush | fas | \f55d | TryIt |
Bucket | fa-bucket | fas | \e4cf | TryIt |
Bug Slash | fa-bug-slash | fas | \e490 | TryIt |
Bug | fa-bug | fas | \f188 | TryIt |
Bugs | fa-bugs | fas | \e4d0 | TryIt |
Building Circle Arrow Right | fa-building-circle-arrow-right | fas | \e4d1 | TryIt |
Building Circle Check | fa-building-circle-check | fas | \e4d2 | TryIt |
Building Circle Exclamation | fa-building-circle-exclamation | fas | \e4d3 | TryIt |
Building Circle Xmark | fa-building-circle-xmark | fas | \e4d4 | TryIt |
Building Columns | fa-building-columns | fas | \f19c | TryIt |
Building Flag | fa-building-flag | fas | \e4d5 | TryIt |
Building Lock | fa-building-lock | fas | \e4d6 | TryIt |
Building Ngo | fa-building-ngo | fas | \e4d7 | TryIt |
Building Shield | fa-building-shield | fas | \e4d8 | TryIt |
Building Un | fa-building-un | fas | \e4d9 | TryIt |
Building User | fa-building-user | fas | \e4da | TryIt |
Building Wheat | fa-building-wheat | fas | \e4db | TryIt |
Building | fa-building | fas | \f1ad | TryIt |
Bullhorn | fa-bullhorn | fas | \f0a1 | TryIt |
Bullseye | fa-bullseye | fas | \f140 | TryIt |
Burger | fa-burger | fas | \f805 | TryIt |
Burst | fa-burst | fas | \e4dc | TryIt |
Bus Simple | fa-bus-simple | fas | \f55e | TryIt |
Bus | fa-bus | fas | \f207 | TryIt |
Business Time | fa-business-time | fas | \f64a | TryIt |
C | fa-c | fas | \43 | TryIt |
Cable Car | fa-cable-car | fas | \f7da | TryIt |
Cake Candles | fa-cake-candles | fas | \f1fd | TryIt |
Calculator | fa-calculator | fas | \f1ec | TryIt |
Calendar Check | fa-calendar-check | fas | \f274 | TryIt |
Calendar Day | fa-calendar-day | fas | \f783 | TryIt |
Calendar Days | fa-calendar-days | fas | \f073 | TryIt |
Calendar Minus | fa-calendar-minus | fas | \f272 | TryIt |
Calendar Plus | fa-calendar-plus | fas | \f271 | TryIt |
Calendar Week | fa-calendar-week | fas | \f784 | TryIt |
Calendar Xmark | fa-calendar-xmark | fas | \f273 | TryIt |
Calendar | fa-calendar | fas | \f133 | TryIt |
Camera Retro | fa-camera-retro | fas | \f083 | TryIt |
Camera Rotate | fa-camera-rotate | fas | \e0d8 | TryIt |
Camera | fa-camera | fas | \f030 | TryIt |
Campground | fa-campground | fas | \f6bb | TryIt |
Candy Cane | fa-candy-cane | fas | \f786 | TryIt |
Cannabis | fa-cannabis | fas | \f55f | TryIt |
Capsules | fa-capsules | fas | \f46b | TryIt |
Car Battery | fa-car-battery | fas | \f5df | TryIt |
Car Burst | fa-car-burst | fas | \f5e1 | TryIt |
Car On | fa-car-on | fas | \e4dd | TryIt |
Car Rear | fa-car-rear | fas | \f5de | TryIt |
Car Side | fa-car-side | fas | \f5e4 | TryIt |
Car Tunnel | fa-car-tunnel | fas | \e4de | TryIt |
Car | fa-car | fas | \f1b9 | TryIt |
Caravan | fa-caravan | fas | \f8ff | TryIt |
Caret Down | fa-caret-down | fas | \f0d7 | TryIt |
Caret Left | fa-caret-left | fas | \f0d9 | TryIt |
Caret Right | fa-caret-right | fas | \f0da | TryIt |
Caret Up | fa-caret-up | fas | \f0d8 | TryIt |
Carrot | fa-carrot | fas | \f787 | TryIt |
Cart Arrow Down | fa-cart-arrow-down | fas | \f218 | TryIt |
Cart Flatbed Suitcase | fa-cart-flatbed-suitcase | fas | \f59d | TryIt |
Cart Flatbed | fa-cart-flatbed | fas | \f474 | TryIt |
Cart Plus | fa-cart-plus | fas | \f217 | TryIt |
Cart Shopping | fa-cart-shopping | fas | \f07a | TryIt |
Cash Register | fa-cash-register | fas | \f788 | TryIt |
Cat | fa-cat | fas | \f6be | TryIt |
Cedi Sign | fa-cedi-sign | fas | \e0df | TryIt |
Cent Sign | fa-cent-sign | fas | \e3f5 | TryIt |
Certificate | fa-certificate | fas | \f0a3 | TryIt |
Chair | fa-chair | fas | \f6c0 | TryIt |
Chalkboard User | fa-chalkboard-user | fas | \f51c | TryIt |
Chalkboard | fa-chalkboard | fas | \f51b | TryIt |
Champagne Glasses | fa-champagne-glasses | fas | \f79f | TryIt |
Charging Station | fa-charging-station | fas | \f5e7 | TryIt |
Chart Area | fa-chart-area | fas | \f1fe | TryIt |
Chart Bar | fa-chart-bar | fas | \f080 | TryIt |
Chart Column | fa-chart-column | fas | \e0e3 | TryIt |
Chart Gantt | fa-chart-gantt | fas | \e0e4 | TryIt |
Chart Line | fa-chart-line | fas | \f201 | TryIt |
Chart Pie | fa-chart-pie | fas | \f200 | TryIt |
Chart Simple | fa-chart-simple | fas | \e473 | TryIt |
Check Double | fa-check-double | fas | \f560 | TryIt |
Check To Slot | fa-check-to-slot | fas | \f772 | TryIt |
Check | fa-check | fas | \f00c | TryIt |
Cheese | fa-cheese | fas | \f7ef | TryIt |
Chess Bishop | fa-chess-bishop | fas | \f43a | TryIt |
Chess Board | fa-chess-board | fas | \f43c | TryIt |
Chess King | fa-chess-king | fas | \f43f | TryIt |
Chess Knight | fa-chess-knight | fas | \f441 | TryIt |
Chess Pawn | fa-chess-pawn | fas | \f443 | TryIt |
Chess Queen | fa-chess-queen | fas | \f445 | TryIt |
Chess Rook | fa-chess-rook | fas | \f447 | TryIt |
Chess | fa-chess | fas | \f439 | TryIt |
Chevron Down | fa-chevron-down | fas | \f078 | TryIt |
Chevron Left | fa-chevron-left | fas | \f053 | TryIt |
Chevron Right | fa-chevron-right | fas | \f054 | TryIt |
Chevron Up | fa-chevron-up | fas | \f077 | TryIt |
Child Dress | fa-child-dress | fas | \e59c | TryIt |
Child Reaching | fa-child-reaching | fas | \e59d | TryIt |
Child Rifle | fa-child-rifle | fas | \e4e0 | TryIt |
Child | fa-child | fas | \f1ae | TryIt |
Children | fa-children | fas | \e4e1 | TryIt |
Church | fa-church | fas | \f51d | TryIt |
Circle Arrow Down | fa-circle-arrow-down | fas | \f0ab | TryIt |
Circle Arrow Left | fa-circle-arrow-left | fas | \f0a8 | TryIt |
Circle Arrow Right | fa-circle-arrow-right | fas | \f0a9 | TryIt |
Circle Arrow Up | fa-circle-arrow-up | fas | \f0aa | TryIt |
Circle Check | fa-circle-check | fas | \f058 | TryIt |
Circle Chevron Down | fa-circle-chevron-down | fas | \f13a | TryIt |
Circle Chevron Left | fa-circle-chevron-left | fas | \f137 | TryIt |
Circle Chevron Right | fa-circle-chevron-right | fas | \f138 | TryIt |
Circle Chevron Up | fa-circle-chevron-up | fas | \f139 | TryIt |
Circle Dollar To Slot | fa-circle-dollar-to-slot | fas | \f4b9 | TryIt |
Circle Dot | fa-circle-dot | fas | \f192 | TryIt |
Circle Down | fa-circle-down | fas | \f358 | TryIt |
Circle Exclamation | fa-circle-exclamation | fas | \f06a | TryIt |
Circle H | fa-circle-h | fas | \f47e | TryIt |
Circle Half Stroke | fa-circle-half-stroke | fas | \f042 | TryIt |
Circle Info | fa-circle-info | fas | \f05a | TryIt |
Circle Left | fa-circle-left | fas | \f359 | TryIt |
Circle Minus | fa-circle-minus | fas | \f056 | TryIt |
Circle Nodes | fa-circle-nodes | fas | \e4e2 | TryIt |
Circle Notch | fa-circle-notch | fas | \f1ce | TryIt |
Circle Pause | fa-circle-pause | fas | \f28b | TryIt |
Circle Play | fa-circle-play | fas | \f144 | TryIt |
Circle Plus | fa-circle-plus | fas | \f055 | TryIt |
Circle Question | fa-circle-question | fas | \f059 | TryIt |
Circle Radiation | fa-circle-radiation | fas | \f7ba | TryIt |
Circle Right | fa-circle-right | fas | \f35a | TryIt |
Circle Stop | fa-circle-stop | fas | \f28d | TryIt |
Circle Up | fa-circle-up | fas | \f35b | TryIt |
Circle User | fa-circle-user | fas | \f2bd | TryIt |
Circle Xmark | fa-circle-xmark | fas | \f057 | TryIt |
Circle | fa-circle | fas | \f111 | TryIt |
City | fa-city | fas | \f64f | TryIt |
Clapperboard | fa-clapperboard | fas | \e131 | TryIt |
Clipboard Check | fa-clipboard-check | fas | \f46c | TryIt |
Clipboard List | fa-clipboard-list | fas | \f46d | TryIt |
Clipboard Question | fa-clipboard-question | fas | \e4e3 | TryIt |
Clipboard User | fa-clipboard-user | fas | \f7f3 | TryIt |
Clipboard | fa-clipboard | fas | \f328 | TryIt |
Clock Rotate Left | fa-clock-rotate-left | fas | \f1da | TryIt |
Clock | fa-clock | fas | \f017 | TryIt |
Clone | fa-clone | fas | \f24d | TryIt |
Closed Captioning | fa-closed-captioning | fas | \f20a | TryIt |
Cloud Arrow Down | fa-cloud-arrow-down | fas | \f0ed | TryIt |
Cloud Arrow Up | fa-cloud-arrow-up | fas | \f0ee | TryIt |
Cloud Bolt | fa-cloud-bolt | fas | \f76c | TryIt |
Cloud Meatball | fa-cloud-meatball | fas | \f73b | TryIt |
Cloud Moon Rain | fa-cloud-moon-rain | fas | \f73c | TryIt |
Cloud Moon | fa-cloud-moon | fas | \f6c3 | TryIt |
Cloud Rain | fa-cloud-rain | fas | \f73d | TryIt |
Cloud Showers Heavy | fa-cloud-showers-heavy | fas | \f740 | TryIt |
Cloud Showers Water | fa-cloud-showers-water | fas | \e4e4 | TryIt |
Cloud Sun Rain | fa-cloud-sun-rain | fas | \f743 | TryIt |
Cloud Sun | fa-cloud-sun | fas | \f6c4 | TryIt |
Cloud | fa-cloud | fas | \f0c2 | TryIt |
Clover | fa-clover | fas | \e139 | TryIt |
Code Branch | fa-code-branch | fas | \f126 | TryIt |
Code Commit | fa-code-commit | fas | \f386 | TryIt |
Code Compare | fa-code-compare | fas | \e13a | TryIt |
Code Fork | fa-code-fork | fas | \e13b | TryIt |
Code Merge | fa-code-merge | fas | \f387 | TryIt |
Code Pull Request | fa-code-pull-request | fas | \e13c | TryIt |
Code | fa-code | fas | \f121 | TryIt |
Coins | fa-coins | fas | \f51e | TryIt |
Colon Sign | fa-colon-sign | fas | \e140 | TryIt |
Comment Dollar | fa-comment-dollar | fas | \f651 | TryIt |
Comment Dots | fa-comment-dots | fas | \f4ad | TryIt |
Comment Medical | fa-comment-medical | fas | \f7f5 | TryIt |
Comment Slash | fa-comment-slash | fas | \f4b3 | TryIt |
Comment Sms | fa-comment-sms | fas | \f7cd | TryIt |
Comment | fa-comment | fas | \f075 | TryIt |
Comments Dollar | fa-comments-dollar | fas | \f653 | TryIt |
Comments | fa-comments | fas | \f086 | TryIt |
Compact Disc | fa-compact-disc | fas | \f51f | TryIt |
Compass Drafting | fa-compass-drafting | fas | \f568 | TryIt |
Compass | fa-compass | fas | \f14e | TryIt |
Compress | fa-compress | fas | \f066 | TryIt |
Computer Mouse | fa-computer-mouse | fas | \f8cc | TryIt |
Computer | fa-computer | fas | \e4e5 | TryIt |
Cookie Bite | fa-cookie-bite | fas | \f564 | TryIt |
Cookie | fa-cookie | fas | \f563 | TryIt |
Copy | fa-copy | fas | \f0c5 | TryIt |
Copyright | fa-copyright | fas | \f1f9 | TryIt |
Couch | fa-couch | fas | \f4b8 | TryIt |
Cow | fa-cow | fas | \f6c8 | TryIt |
Credit Card | fa-credit-card | fas | \f09d | TryIt |
Crop Simple | fa-crop-simple | fas | \f565 | TryIt |
Crop | fa-crop | fas | \f125 | TryIt |
Cross | fa-cross | fas | \f654 | TryIt |
Crosshairs | fa-crosshairs | fas | \f05b | TryIt |
Crow | fa-crow | fas | \f520 | TryIt |
Crown | fa-crown | fas | \f521 | TryIt |
Crutch | fa-crutch | fas | \f7f7 | TryIt |
Cruzeiro Sign | fa-cruzeiro-sign | fas | \e152 | TryIt |
Cube | fa-cube | fas | \f1b2 | TryIt |
Cubes Stacked | fa-cubes-stacked | fas | \e4e6 | TryIt |
Cubes | fa-cubes | fas | \f1b3 | TryIt |
D | fa-d | fas | \44 | TryIt |
Database | fa-database | fas | \f1c0 | TryIt |
Delete Left | fa-delete-left | fas | \f55a | TryIt |
Democrat | fa-democrat | fas | \f747 | TryIt |
Desktop | fa-desktop | fas | \f390 | TryIt |
Dharmachakra | fa-dharmachakra | fas | \f655 | TryIt |
Diagram Next | fa-diagram-next | fas | \e476 | TryIt |
Diagram Predecessor | fa-diagram-predecessor | fas | \e477 | TryIt |
Diagram Project | fa-diagram-project | fas | \f542 | TryIt |
Diagram Successor | fa-diagram-successor | fas | \e47a | TryIt |
Diamond Turn Right | fa-diamond-turn-right | fas | \f5eb | TryIt |
Diamond | fa-diamond | fas | \f219 | TryIt |
Dice D20 | fa-dice-d20 | fas | \f6cf | TryIt |
Dice D6 | fa-dice-d6 | fas | \f6d1 | TryIt |
Dice Five | fa-dice-five | fas | \f523 | TryIt |
Dice Four | fa-dice-four | fas | \f524 | TryIt |
Dice One | fa-dice-one | fas | \f525 | TryIt |
Dice Six | fa-dice-six | fas | \f526 | TryIt |
Dice Three | fa-dice-three | fas | \f527 | TryIt |
Dice Two | fa-dice-two | fas | \f528 | TryIt |
Dice | fa-dice | fas | \f522 | TryIt |
Disease | fa-disease | fas | \f7fa | TryIt |
Display | fa-display | fas | \e163 | TryIt |
Divide | fa-divide | fas | \f529 | TryIt |
Dna | fa-dna | fas | \f471 | TryIt |
Dog | fa-dog | fas | \f6d3 | TryIt |
Dollar Sign | fa-dollar-sign | fas | \24 | TryIt |
Dolly | fa-dolly | fas | \f472 | TryIt |
Dong Sign | fa-dong-sign | fas | \e169 | TryIt |
Door Closed | fa-door-closed | fas | \f52a | TryIt |
Door Open | fa-door-open | fas | \f52b | TryIt |
Dove | fa-dove | fas | \f4ba | TryIt |
Down Left And Up Right To Center | fa-down-left-and-up-right-to-center | fas | \f422 | TryIt |
Down Long | fa-down-long | fas | \f309 | TryIt |
Download | fa-download | fas | \f019 | TryIt |
Dragon | fa-dragon | fas | \f6d5 | TryIt |
Draw Polygon | fa-draw-polygon | fas | \f5ee | TryIt |
Droplet Slash | fa-droplet-slash | fas | \f5c7 | TryIt |
Droplet | fa-droplet | fas | \f043 | TryIt |
Drum Steelpan | fa-drum-steelpan | fas | \f56a | TryIt |
Drum | fa-drum | fas | \f569 | TryIt |
Drumstick Bite | fa-drumstick-bite | fas | \f6d7 | TryIt |
Dumbbell | fa-dumbbell | fas | \f44b | TryIt |
Dumpster Fire | fa-dumpster-fire | fas | \f794 | TryIt |
Dumpster | fa-dumpster | fas | \f793 | TryIt |
Dungeon | fa-dungeon | fas | \f6d9 | TryIt |
E | fa-e | fas | \45 | TryIt |
Ear Deaf | fa-ear-deaf | fas | \f2a4 | TryIt |
Ear Listen | fa-ear-listen | fas | \f2a2 | TryIt |
Earth Africa | fa-earth-africa | fas | \f57c | TryIt |
Earth Americas | fa-earth-americas | fas | \f57d | TryIt |
Earth Asia | fa-earth-asia | fas | \f57e | TryIt |
Earth Europe | fa-earth-europe | fas | \f7a2 | TryIt |
Earth Oceania | fa-earth-oceania | fas | \e47b | TryIt |
Egg | fa-egg | fas | \f7fb | TryIt |
Eject | fa-eject | fas | \f052 | TryIt |
Elevator | fa-elevator | fas | \e16d | TryIt |
Ellipsis Vertical | fa-ellipsis-vertical | fas | \f142 | TryIt |
Ellipsis | fa-ellipsis | fas | \f141 | TryIt |
Envelope Circle Check | fa-envelope-circle-check | fas | \e4e8 | TryIt |
Envelope Open Text | fa-envelope-open-text | fas | \f658 | TryIt |
Envelope Open | fa-envelope-open | fas | \f2b6 | TryIt |
Envelope | fa-envelope | fas | \f0e0 | TryIt |
Envelopes Bulk | fa-envelopes-bulk | fas | \f674 | TryIt |
Equals | fa-equals | fas | \3d | TryIt |
Eraser | fa-eraser | fas | \f12d | TryIt |
Ethernet | fa-ethernet | fas | \f796 | TryIt |
Euro Sign | fa-euro-sign | fas | \f153 | TryIt |
Exclamation | fa-exclamation | fas | \21 | TryIt |
Expand | fa-expand | fas | \f065 | TryIt |
Explosion | fa-explosion | fas | \e4e9 | TryIt |
Eye Dropper | fa-eye-dropper | fas | \f1fb | TryIt |
Eye Low Vision | fa-eye-low-vision | fas | \f2a8 | TryIt |
Eye Slash | fa-eye-slash | fas | \f070 | TryIt |
Eye | fa-eye | fas | \f06e | TryIt |
F | fa-f | fas | \46 | TryIt |
Face Angry | fa-face-angry | fas | \f556 | TryIt |
Face Dizzy | fa-face-dizzy | fas | \f567 | TryIt |
Face Flushed | fa-face-flushed | fas | \f579 | TryIt |
Face Frown Open | fa-face-frown-open | fas | \f57a | TryIt |
Face Frown | fa-face-frown | fas | \f119 | TryIt |
Face Grimace | fa-face-grimace | fas | \f57f | TryIt |
Face Grin Beam Sweat | fa-face-grin-beam-sweat | fas | \f583 | TryIt |
Face Grin Beam | fa-face-grin-beam | fas | \f582 | TryIt |
Face Grin Hearts | fa-face-grin-hearts | fas | \f584 | TryIt |
Face Grin Squint Tears | fa-face-grin-squint-tears | fas | \f586 | TryIt |
Face Grin Squint | fa-face-grin-squint | fas | \f585 | TryIt |
Face Grin Stars | fa-face-grin-stars | fas | \f587 | TryIt |
Face Grin Tears | fa-face-grin-tears | fas | \f588 | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue Squint | fa-face-grin-tongue-squint | fas | \f58a | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue Wink | fa-face-grin-tongue-wink | fas | \f58b | TryIt |
Face Grin Tongue | fa-face-grin-tongue | fas | \f589 | TryIt |
Face Grin Wide | fa-face-grin-wide | fas | \f581 | TryIt |
Face Grin Wink | fa-face-grin-wink | fas | \f58c | TryIt |
Face Grin | fa-face-grin | fas | \f580 | TryIt |
Face Kiss Beam | fa-face-kiss-beam | fas | \f597 | TryIt |
Face Kiss Wink Heart | fa-face-kiss-wink-heart | fas | \f598 | TryIt |
Face Kiss | fa-face-kiss | fas | \f596 | TryIt |
Face Laugh Beam | fa-face-laugh-beam | fas | \f59a | TryIt |
Face Laugh Squint | fa-face-laugh-squint | fas | \f59b | TryIt |
Face Laugh Wink | fa-face-laugh-wink | fas | \f59c | TryIt |
Face Laugh | fa-face-laugh | fas | \f599 | TryIt |
Face Meh Blank | fa-face-meh-blank | fas | \f5a4 | TryIt |
Face Meh | fa-face-meh | fas | \f11a | TryIt |
Face Rolling Eyes | fa-face-rolling-eyes | fas | \f5a5 | TryIt |
Face Sad Cry | fa-face-sad-cry | fas | \f5b3 | TryIt |
Face Sad Tear | fa-face-sad-tear | fas | \f5b4 | TryIt |
Face Smile Beam | fa-face-smile-beam | fas | \f5b8 | TryIt |
Face Smile Wink | fa-face-smile-wink | fas | \f4da | TryIt |
Face Smile | fa-face-smile | fas | \f118 | TryIt |
Face Surprise | fa-face-surprise | fas | \f5c2 | TryIt |
Face Tired | fa-face-tired | fas | \f5c8 | TryIt |
Fan | fa-fan | fas | \f863 | TryIt |
Faucet Drip | fa-faucet-drip | fas | \e006 | TryIt |
Faucet | fa-faucet | fas | \e005 | TryIt |
Fax | fa-fax | fas | \f1ac | TryIt |
Feather Pointed | fa-feather-pointed | fas | \f56b | TryIt |
Feather | fa-feather | fas | \f52d | TryIt |
Ferry | fa-ferry | fas | \e4ea | TryIt |
File Arrow Down | fa-file-arrow-down | fas | \f56d | TryIt |
File Arrow Up | fa-file-arrow-up | fas | \f574 | TryIt |
File Audio | fa-file-audio | fas | \f1c7 | TryIt |
File Circle Check | fa-file-circle-check | fas | \e5a0 | TryIt |
File Circle Exclamation | fa-file-circle-exclamation | fas | \e4eb | TryIt |
File Circle Minus | fa-file-circle-minus | fas | \e4ed | TryIt |
File Circle Plus | fa-file-circle-plus | fas | \e494 | TryIt |
File Circle Question | fa-file-circle-question | fas | \e4ef | TryIt |
File Circle Xmark | fa-file-circle-xmark | fas | \e5a1 | TryIt |
File Code | fa-file-code | fas | \f1c9 | TryIt |
File Contract | fa-file-contract | fas | \f56c | TryIt |
File Csv | fa-file-csv | fas | \f6dd | TryIt |
File Excel | fa-file-excel | fas | \f1c3 | TryIt |
File Export | fa-file-export | fas | \f56e | TryIt |
File Image | fa-file-image | fas | \f1c5 | TryIt |
File Import | fa-file-import | fas | \f56f | TryIt |
File Invoice Dollar | fa-file-invoice-dollar | fas | \f571 | TryIt |
File Invoice | fa-file-invoice | fas | \f570 | TryIt |
File Lines | fa-file-lines | fas | \f15c | TryIt |
File Medical | fa-file-medical | fas | \f477 | TryIt |
File Pdf | fa-file-pdf | fas | \f1c1 | TryIt |
File Pen | fa-file-pen | fas | \f31c | TryIt |
File Powerpoint | fa-file-powerpoint | fas | \f1c4 | TryIt |
File Prescription | fa-file-prescription | fas | \f572 | TryIt |
File Shield | fa-file-shield | fas | \e4f0 | TryIt |
File Signature | fa-file-signature | fas | \f573 | TryIt |
File Video | fa-file-video | fas | \f1c8 | TryIt |
File Waveform | fa-file-waveform | fas | \f478 | TryIt |
File Word | fa-file-word | fas | \f1c2 | TryIt |
File Zipper | fa-file-zipper | fas | \f1c6 | TryIt |
File | fa-file | fas | \f15b | TryIt |
Fill Drip | fa-fill-drip | fas | \f576 | TryIt |
Fill | fa-fill | fas | \f575 | TryIt |
Film | fa-film | fas | \f008 | TryIt |
Filter Circle Dollar | fa-filter-circle-dollar | fas | \f662 | TryIt |
Filter Circle Xmark | fa-filter-circle-xmark | fas | \e17b | TryIt |
Filter | fa-filter | fas | \f0b0 | TryIt |
Fingerprint | fa-fingerprint | fas | \f577 | TryIt |
Fire Burner | fa-fire-burner | fas | \e4f1 | TryIt |
Fire Extinguisher | fa-fire-extinguisher | fas | \f134 | TryIt |
Fire Flame Curved | fa-fire-flame-curved | fas | \f7e4 | TryIt |
Fire Flame Simple | fa-fire-flame-simple | fas | \f46a | TryIt |
Fire | fa-fire | fas | \f06d | TryIt |
Fish Fins | fa-fish-fins | fas | \e4f2 | TryIt |
Fish | fa-fish | fas | \f578 | TryIt |
Flag Checkered | fa-flag-checkered | fas | \f11e | TryIt |
Flag Usa | fa-flag-usa | fas | \f74d | TryIt |
Flag | fa-flag | fas | \f024 | TryIt |
Flask Vial | fa-flask-vial | fas | \e4f3 | TryIt |
Flask | fa-flask | fas | \f0c3 | TryIt |
Floppy Disk | fa-floppy-disk | fas | \f0c7 | TryIt |
Florin Sign | fa-florin-sign | fas | \e184 | TryIt |
Folder Closed | fa-folder-closed | fas | \e185 | TryIt |
Folder Minus | fa-folder-minus | fas | \f65d | TryIt |
Folder Open | fa-folder-open | fas | \f07c | TryIt |
Folder Plus | fa-folder-plus | fas | \f65e | TryIt |
Folder Tree | fa-folder-tree | fas | \f802 | TryIt |
Folder | fa-folder | fas | \f07b | TryIt |
Font Awesome | fa-font-awesome | fas | \f2b4 | TryIt |
Font | fa-font | fas | \f031 | TryIt |
Football | fa-football | fas | \f44e | TryIt |
Forward Fast | fa-forward-fast | fas | \f050 | TryIt |
Forward Step | fa-forward-step | fas | \f051 | TryIt |
Forward | fa-forward | fas | \f04e | TryIt |
Franc Sign | fa-franc-sign | fas | \e18f | TryIt |
Frog | fa-frog | fas | \f52e | TryIt |
Futbol | fa-futbol | fas | \f1e3 | TryIt |
G | fa-g | fas | \47 | TryIt |
Gamepad | fa-gamepad | fas | \f11b | TryIt |
Gas Pump | fa-gas-pump | fas | \f52f | TryIt |
Gauge High | fa-gauge-high | fas | \f625 | TryIt |
Gauge Simple High | fa-gauge-simple-high | fas | \f62a | TryIt |
Gauge Simple | fa-gauge-simple | fas | \f629 | TryIt |
Gauge | fa-gauge | fas | \f624 | TryIt |
Gavel | fa-gavel | fas | \f0e3 | TryIt |
Gear | fa-gear | fas | \f013 | TryIt |
Gears | fa-gears | fas | \f085 | TryIt |
Gem | fa-gem | fas | \f3a5 | TryIt |
Genderless | fa-genderless | fas | \f22d | TryIt |
Ghost | fa-ghost | fas | \f6e2 | TryIt |
Gift | fa-gift | fas | \f06b | TryIt |
Gifts | fa-gifts | fas | \f79c | TryIt |
Glass Water Droplet | fa-glass-water-droplet | fas | \e4f5 | TryIt |
Glass Water | fa-glass-water | fas | \e4f4 | TryIt |
Glasses | fa-glasses | fas | \f530 | TryIt |
Globe | fa-globe | fas | \f0ac | TryIt |
Golf Ball Tee | fa-golf-ball-tee | fas | \f450 | TryIt |
Gopuram | fa-gopuram | fas | \f664 | TryIt |
Graduation Cap | fa-graduation-cap | fas | \f19d | TryIt |
Greater Than Equal | fa-greater-than-equal | fas | \f532 | TryIt |
Greater Than | fa-greater-than | fas | \3e | TryIt |
Grip Lines Vertical | fa-grip-lines-vertical | fas | \f7a5 | TryIt |
Grip Lines | fa-grip-lines | fas | \f7a4 | TryIt |
Grip Vertical | fa-grip-vertical | fas | \f58e | TryIt |
Grip | fa-grip | fas | \f58d | TryIt |
Group Arrows Rotate | fa-group-arrows-rotate | fas | \e4f6 | TryIt |
Guarani Sign | fa-guarani-sign | fas | \e19a | TryIt |
Guitar | fa-guitar | fas | \f7a6 | TryIt |
Gun | fa-gun | fas | \e19b | TryIt |
H | fa-h | fas | \48 | TryIt |
Hammer | fa-hammer | fas | \f6e3 | TryIt |
Hamsa | fa-hamsa | fas | \f665 | TryIt |
Hand Back Fist | fa-hand-back-fist | fas | \f255 | TryIt |
Hand Dots | fa-hand-dots | fas | \f461 | TryIt |
Hand Fist | fa-hand-fist | fas | \f6de | TryIt |
Hand Holding Dollar | fa-hand-holding-dollar | fas | \f4c0 | TryIt |
Hand Holding Droplet | fa-hand-holding-droplet | fas | \f4c1 | TryIt |
Hand Holding Hand | fa-hand-holding-hand | fas | \e4f7 | TryIt |
Hand Holding Heart | fa-hand-holding-heart | fas | \f4be | TryIt |
Hand Holding Medical | fa-hand-holding-medical | fas | \e05c | TryIt |
Hand Holding | fa-hand-holding | fas | \f4bd | TryIt |
Hand Lizard | fa-hand-lizard | fas | \f258 | TryIt |
Hand Middle Finger | fa-hand-middle-finger | fas | \f806 | TryIt |
Hand Peace | fa-hand-peace | fas | \f25b | TryIt |
Hand Point Down | fa-hand-point-down | fas | \f0a7 | TryIt |
Hand Point Left | fa-hand-point-left | fas | \f0a5 | TryIt |
Hand Point Right | fa-hand-point-right | fas | \f0a4 | TryIt |
Hand Point Up | fa-hand-point-up | fas | \f0a6 | TryIt |
Hand Pointer | fa-hand-pointer | fas | \f25a | TryIt |
Hand Scissors | fa-hand-scissors | fas | \f257 | TryIt |
Hand Sparkles | fa-hand-sparkles | fas | \e05d | TryIt |
Hand Spock | fa-hand-spock | fas | \f259 | TryIt |
Hand | fa-hand | fas | \f256 | TryIt |
Handcuffs | fa-handcuffs | fas | \e4f8 | TryIt |
Hands Asl Interpreting | fa-hands-asl-interpreting | fas | \f2a3 | TryIt |
Hands Bound | fa-hands-bound | fas | \e4f9 | TryIt |
Hands Bubbles | fa-hands-bubbles | fas | \e05e | TryIt |
Hands Clapping | fa-hands-clapping | fas | \e1a8 | TryIt |
Hands Holding Child | fa-hands-holding-child | fas | \e4fa | TryIt |
Hands Holding Circle | fa-hands-holding-circle | fas | \e4fb | TryIt |
Hands Holding | fa-hands-holding | fas | \f4c2 | TryIt |
Hands Praying | fa-hands-praying | fas | \f684 | TryIt |
Hands | fa-hands | fas | \f2a7 | TryIt |
Handshake Angle | fa-handshake-angle | fas | \f4c4 | TryIt |
Handshake Simple Slash | fa-handshake-simple-slash | fas | \e05f | TryIt |
Handshake Simple | fa-handshake-simple | fas | \f4c6 | TryIt |
Handshake Slash | fa-handshake-slash | fas | \e060 | TryIt |
Handshake | fa-handshake | fas | \f2b5 | TryIt |
Hanukiah | fa-hanukiah | fas | \f6e6 | TryIt |
Hard Drive | fa-hard-drive | fas | \f0a0 | TryIt |
Hashtag | fa-hashtag | fas | \23 | TryIt |
Hat Cowboy Side | fa-hat-cowboy-side | fas | \f8c1 | TryIt |
Hat Cowboy | fa-hat-cowboy | fas | \f8c0 | TryIt |
Hat Wizard | fa-hat-wizard | fas | \f6e8 | TryIt |
Head Side Cough Slash | fa-head-side-cough-slash | fas | \e062 | TryIt |
Head Side Cough | fa-head-side-cough | fas | \e061 | TryIt |
Head Side Mask | fa-head-side-mask | fas | \e063 | TryIt |
Head Side Virus | fa-head-side-virus | fas | \e064 | TryIt |
Heading | fa-heading | fas | \f1dc | TryIt |
Headphones Simple | fa-headphones-simple | fas | \f58f | TryIt |
Headphones | fa-headphones | fas | \f025 | TryIt |
Headset | fa-headset | fas | \f590 | TryIt |
Heart Circle Bolt | fa-heart-circle-bolt | fas | \e4fc | TryIt |
Heart Circle Check | fa-heart-circle-check | fas | \e4fd | TryIt |
Heart Circle Exclamation | fa-heart-circle-exclamation | fas | \e4fe | TryIt |
Heart Circle Minus | fa-heart-circle-minus | fas | \e4ff | TryIt |
Heart Circle Plus | fa-heart-circle-plus | fas | \e500 | TryIt |
Heart Circle Xmark | fa-heart-circle-xmark | fas | \e501 | TryIt |
Heart Crack | fa-heart-crack | fas | \f7a9 | TryIt |
Heart Pulse | fa-heart-pulse | fas | \f21e | TryIt |
Heart | fa-heart | fas | \f004 | TryIt |
Helicopter Symbol | fa-helicopter-symbol | fas | \e502 | TryIt |
Helicopter | fa-helicopter | fas | \f533 | TryIt |
Helmet Safety | fa-helmet-safety | fas | \f807 | TryIt |
Helmet Un | fa-helmet-un | fas | \e503 | TryIt |
Highlighter | fa-highlighter | fas | \f591 | TryIt |
Hill Avalanche | fa-hill-avalanche | fas | \e507 | TryIt |
Hill Rockslide | fa-hill-rockslide | fas | \e508 | TryIt |
Hippo | fa-hippo | fas | \f6ed | TryIt |
Hockey Puck | fa-hockey-puck | fas | \f453 | TryIt |
Holly Berry | fa-holly-berry | fas | \f7aa | TryIt |
Horse Head | fa-horse-head | fas | \f7ab | TryIt |
Horse | fa-horse | fas | \f6f0 | TryIt |
Hospital User | fa-hospital-user | fas | \f80d | TryIt |
Hospital | fa-hospital | fas | \f0f8 | TryIt |
Hot Tub Person | fa-hot-tub-person | fas | \f593 | TryIt |
Hotdog | fa-hotdog | fas | \f80f | TryIt |
Hotel | fa-hotel | fas | \f594 | TryIt |
Hourglass End | fa-hourglass-end | fas | \f253 | TryIt |
Hourglass Half | fa-hourglass-half | fas | \f252 | TryIt |
Hourglass Start | fa-hourglass-start | fas | \f251 | TryIt |
Hourglass | fa-hourglass | fas | \f254 | TryIt |
House Chimney Crack | fa-house-chimney-crack | fas | \f6f1 | TryIt |
House Chimney Medical | fa-house-chimney-medical | fas | \f7f2 | TryIt |
House Chimney User | fa-house-chimney-user | fas | \e065 | TryIt |
House Chimney Window | fa-house-chimney-window | fas | \e00d | TryIt |
House Chimney | fa-house-chimney | fas | \e3af | TryIt |
House Circle Check | fa-house-circle-check | fas | \e509 | TryIt |
House Circle Exclamation | fa-house-circle-exclamation | fas | \e50a | TryIt |
House Circle Xmark | fa-house-circle-xmark | fas | \e50b | TryIt |
House Crack | fa-house-crack | fas | \e3b1 | TryIt |
House Fire | fa-house-fire | fas | \e50c | TryIt |
House Flag | fa-house-flag | fas | \e50d | TryIt |
House Flood Water Circle Arrow Right | fa-house-flood-water-circle-arrow-right | fas | \e50f | TryIt |
House Flood Water | fa-house-flood-water | fas | \e50e | TryIt |
House Laptop | fa-house-laptop | fas | \e066 | TryIt |
House Lock | fa-house-lock | fas | \e510 | TryIt |
House Medical Circle Check | fa-house-medical-circle-check | fas | \e511 | TryIt |
House Medical Circle Exclamation | fa-house-medical-circle-exclamation | fas | \e512 | TryIt |
House Medical Circle Xmark | fa-house-medical-circle-xmark | fas | \e513 | TryIt |
House Medical Flag | fa-house-medical-flag | fas | \e514 | TryIt |
House Medical | fa-house-medical | fas | \e3b2 | TryIt |
House Signal | fa-house-signal | fas | \e012 | TryIt |
House Tsunami | fa-house-tsunami | fas | \e515 | TryIt |
House User | fa-house-user | fas | \e1b0 | TryIt |
House | fa-house | fas | \f015 | TryIt |
Hryvnia Sign | fa-hryvnia-sign | fas | \f6f2 | TryIt |
Hurricane | fa-hurricane | fas | \f751 | TryIt |
I Cursor | fa-i-cursor | fas | \f246 | TryIt |
I | fa-i | fas | \49 | TryIt |
Ice Cream | fa-ice-cream | fas | \f810 | TryIt |
Icicles | fa-icicles | fas | \f7ad | TryIt |
Icons | fa-icons | fas | \f86d | TryIt |
Id Badge | fa-id-badge | fas | \f2c1 | TryIt |
Id Card Clip | fa-id-card-clip | fas | \f47f | TryIt |
Id Card | fa-id-card | fas | \f2c2 | TryIt |
Igloo | fa-igloo | fas | \f7ae | TryIt |
Image Portrait | fa-image-portrait | fas | \f3e0 | TryIt |
Image | fa-image | fas | \f03e | TryIt |
Images | fa-images | fas | \f302 | TryIt |
Inbox | fa-inbox | fas | \f01c | TryIt |
Indent | fa-indent | fas | \f03c | TryIt |
Indian Rupee Sign | fa-indian-rupee-sign | fas | \e1bc | TryIt |
Industry | fa-industry | fas | \f275 | TryIt |
Infinity | fa-infinity | fas | \f534 | TryIt |
Info | fa-info | fas | \f129 | TryIt |
Italic | fa-italic | fas | \f033 | TryIt |
J | fa-j | fas | \4a | TryIt |
Jar Wheat | fa-jar-wheat | fas | \e517 | TryIt |
Jar | fa-jar | fas | \e516 | TryIt |
Jedi | fa-jedi | fas | \f669 | TryIt |
Jet Fighter Up | fa-jet-fighter-up | fas | \e518 | TryIt |
Jet Fighter | fa-jet-fighter | fas | \f0fb | TryIt |
Joint | fa-joint | fas | \f595 | TryIt |
Jug Detergent | fa-jug-detergent | fas | \e519 | TryIt |
K | fa-k | fas | \4b | TryIt |
Kaaba | fa-kaaba | fas | \f66b | TryIt |
Key | fa-key | fas | \f084 | TryIt |
Keyboard | fa-keyboard | fas | \f11c | TryIt |
Khanda | fa-khanda | fas | \f66d | TryIt |
Kip Sign | fa-kip-sign | fas | \e1c4 | TryIt |
Kit Medical | fa-kit-medical | fas | \f479 | TryIt |
Kitchen Set | fa-kitchen-set | fas | \e51a | TryIt |
Kiwi Bird | fa-kiwi-bird | fas | \f535 | TryIt |
L | fa-l | fas | \4c | TryIt |
Land Mine On | fa-land-mine-on | fas | \e51b | TryIt |
Landmark Dome | fa-landmark-dome | fas | \f752 | TryIt |
Landmark Flag | fa-landmark-flag | fas | \e51c | TryIt |
Landmark | fa-landmark | fas | \f66f | TryIt |
Language | fa-language | fas | \f1ab | TryIt |
Laptop Code | fa-laptop-code | fas | \f5fc | TryIt |
Laptop File | fa-laptop-file | fas | \e51d | TryIt |
Laptop Medical | fa-laptop-medical | fas | \f812 | TryIt |
Laptop | fa-laptop | fas | \f109 | TryIt |
Lari Sign | fa-lari-sign | fas | \e1c8 | TryIt |
Layer Group | fa-layer-group | fas | \f5fd | TryIt |
Leaf | fa-leaf | fas | \f06c | TryIt |
Left Long | fa-left-long | fas | \f30a | TryIt |
Left Right | fa-left-right | fas | \f337 | TryIt |
Lemon | fa-lemon | fas | \f094 | TryIt |
Less Than Equal | fa-less-than-equal | fas | \f537 | TryIt |
Less Than | fa-less-than | fas | \3c | TryIt |
Life Ring | fa-life-ring | fas | \f1cd | TryIt |
Lightbulb | fa-lightbulb | fas | \f0eb | TryIt |
Lines Leaning | fa-lines-leaning | fas | \e51e | TryIt |
Link Slash | fa-link-slash | fas | \f127 | TryIt |
Link | fa-link | fas | \f0c1 | TryIt |
Lira Sign | fa-lira-sign | fas | \f195 | TryIt |
List Check | fa-list-check | fas | \f0ae | TryIt |
List Ol | fa-list-ol | fas | \f0cb | TryIt |
List Ul | fa-list-ul | fas | \f0ca | TryIt |
List | fa-list | fas | \f03a | TryIt |
Litecoin Sign | fa-litecoin-sign | fas | \e1d3 | TryIt |
Location Arrow | fa-location-arrow | fas | \f124 | TryIt |
Location Crosshairs | fa-location-crosshairs | fas | \f601 | TryIt |
Location Dot | fa-location-dot | fas | \f3c5 | TryIt |
Location Pin Lock | fa-location-pin-lock | fas | \e51f | TryIt |
Location Pin | fa-location-pin | fas | \f041 | TryIt |
Lock Open | fa-lock-open | fas | \f3c1 | TryIt |
Lock | fa-lock | fas | \f023 | TryIt |
Locust | fa-locust | fas | \e520 | TryIt |
Lungs Virus | fa-lungs-virus | fas | \e067 | TryIt |
Lungs | fa-lungs | fas | \f604 | TryIt |
M | fa-m | fas | \4d | TryIt |
Magnet | fa-magnet | fas | \f076 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Arrow Right | fa-magnifying-glass-arrow-right | fas | \e521 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Chart | fa-magnifying-glass-chart | fas | \e522 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Dollar | fa-magnifying-glass-dollar | fas | \f688 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Location | fa-magnifying-glass-location | fas | \f689 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Minus | fa-magnifying-glass-minus | fas | \f010 | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass Plus | fa-magnifying-glass-plus | fas | \f00e | TryIt |
Magnifying Glass | fa-magnifying-glass | fas | \f002 | TryIt |
Manat Sign | fa-manat-sign | fas | \e1d5 | TryIt |
Map Location Dot | fa-map-location-dot | fas | \f5a0 | TryIt |
Map Location | fa-map-location | fas | \f59f | TryIt |
Map Pin | fa-map-pin | fas | \f276 | TryIt |
Map | fa-map | fas | \f279 | TryIt |
Marker | fa-marker | fas | \f5a1 | TryIt |
Mars And Venus Burst | fa-mars-and-venus-burst | fas | \e523 | TryIt |
Mars And Venus | fa-mars-and-venus | fas | \f224 | TryIt |
Mars Double | fa-mars-double | fas | \f227 | TryIt |
Mars Stroke Right | fa-mars-stroke-right | fas | \f22b | TryIt |
Mars Stroke Up | fa-mars-stroke-up | fas | \f22a | TryIt |
Mars Stroke | fa-mars-stroke | fas | \f229 | TryIt |
Mars | fa-mars | fas | \f222 | TryIt |
Martini Glass Citrus | fa-martini-glass-citrus | fas | \f561 | TryIt |
Martini Glass Empty | fa-martini-glass-empty | fas | \f000 | TryIt |
Martini Glass | fa-martini-glass | fas | \f57b | TryIt |
Mask Face | fa-mask-face | fas | \e1d7 | TryIt |
Mask Ventilator | fa-mask-ventilator | fas | \e524 | TryIt |
Mask | fa-mask | fas | \f6fa | TryIt |
Masks Theater | fa-masks-theater | fas | \f630 | TryIt |
Mattress Pillow | fa-mattress-pillow | fas | \e525 | TryIt |
Maximize | fa-maximize | fas | \f31e | TryIt |
Medal | fa-medal | fas | \f5a2 | TryIt |
Memory | fa-memory | fas | \f538 | TryIt |
Menorah | fa-menorah | fas | \f676 | TryIt |
Mercury | fa-mercury | fas | \f223 | TryIt |
Message | fa-message | fas | \f27a | TryIt |
Meteor | fa-meteor | fas | \f753 | TryIt |
Microchip | fa-microchip | fas | \f2db | TryIt |
Microphone Lines Slash | fa-microphone-lines-slash | fas | \f539 | TryIt |
Microphone Lines | fa-microphone-lines | fas | \f3c9 | TryIt |
Microphone Slash | fa-microphone-slash | fas | \f131 | TryIt |
Microphone | fa-microphone | fas | \f130 | TryIt |
Microscope | fa-microscope | fas | \f610 | TryIt |
Mill Sign | fa-mill-sign | fas | \e1ed | TryIt |
Minimize | fa-minimize | fas | \f78c | TryIt |
Minus | fa-minus | fas | \f068 | TryIt |
Mitten | fa-mitten | fas | \f7b5 | TryIt |
Mobile Button | fa-mobile-button | fas | \f10b | TryIt |
Mobile Retro | fa-mobile-retro | fas | \e527 | TryIt |
Mobile Screen Button | fa-mobile-screen-button | fas | \f3cd | TryIt |
Mobile Screen | fa-mobile-screen | fas | \f3cf | TryIt |
Mobile | fa-mobile | fas | \f3ce | TryIt |
Money Bill 1 Wave | fa-money-bill-1-wave | fas | \f53b | TryIt |
Money Bill 1 | fa-money-bill-1 | fas | \f3d1 | TryIt |
Money Bill Transfer | fa-money-bill-transfer | fas | \e528 | TryIt |
Money Bill Trend Up | fa-money-bill-trend-up | fas | \e529 | TryIt |
Money Bill Wave | fa-money-bill-wave | fas | \f53a | TryIt |
Money Bill Wheat | fa-money-bill-wheat | fas | \e52a | TryIt |
Money Bill | fa-money-bill | fas | \f0d6 | TryIt |
Money Bills | fa-money-bills | fas | \e1f3 | TryIt |
Money Check Dollar | fa-money-check-dollar | fas | \f53d | TryIt |
Money Check | fa-money-check | fas | \f53c | TryIt |
Monument | fa-monument | fas | \f5a6 | TryIt |
Moon | fa-moon | fas | \f186 | TryIt |
Mortar Pestle | fa-mortar-pestle | fas | \f5a7 | TryIt |
Mosque | fa-mosque | fas | \f678 | TryIt |
Mosquito Net | fa-mosquito-net | fas | \e52c | TryIt |
Mosquito | fa-mosquito | fas | \e52b | TryIt |
Motorcycle | fa-motorcycle | fas | \f21c | TryIt |
Mound | fa-mound | fas | \e52d | TryIt |
Mountain City | fa-mountain-city | fas | \e52e | TryIt |
Mountain Sun | fa-mountain-sun | fas | \e52f | TryIt |
Mountain | fa-mountain | fas | \f6fc | TryIt |
Mug Hot | fa-mug-hot | fas | \f7b6 | TryIt |
Mug Saucer | fa-mug-saucer | fas | \f0f4 | TryIt |
Music | fa-music | fas | \f001 | TryIt |
N | fa-n | fas | \4e | TryIt |
Naira Sign | fa-naira-sign | fas | \e1f6 | TryIt |
Network Wired | fa-network-wired | fas | \f6ff | TryIt |
Neuter | fa-neuter | fas | \f22c | TryIt |
Newspaper | fa-newspaper | fas | \f1ea | TryIt |
Not Equal | fa-not-equal | fas | \f53e | TryIt |
Note Sticky | fa-note-sticky | fas | \f249 | TryIt |
Notes Medical | fa-notes-medical | fas | \f481 | TryIt |
O | fa-o | fas | \4f | TryIt |
Object Group | fa-object-group | fas | \f247 | TryIt |
Object Ungroup | fa-object-ungroup | fas | \f248 | TryIt |
Oil Can | fa-oil-can | fas | \f613 | TryIt |
Oil Well | fa-oil-well | fas | \e532 | TryIt |
Om | fa-om | fas | \f679 | TryIt |
Otter | fa-otter | fas | \f700 | TryIt |
Outdent | fa-outdent | fas | \f03b | TryIt |
P | fa-p | fas | \50 | TryIt |
Pager | fa-pager | fas | \f815 | TryIt |
Paint Roller | fa-paint-roller | fas | \f5aa | TryIt |
Paintbrush | fa-paintbrush | fas | \f1fc | TryIt |
Palette | fa-palette | fas | \f53f | TryIt |
Pallet | fa-pallet | fas | \f482 | TryIt |
Panorama | fa-panorama | fas | \e209 | TryIt |
Paper Plane | fa-paper-plane | fas | \f1d8 | TryIt |
Paperclip | fa-paperclip | fas | \f0c6 | TryIt |
Parachute Box | fa-parachute-box | fas | \f4cd | TryIt |
Paragraph | fa-paragraph | fas | \f1dd | TryIt |
Passport | fa-passport | fas | \f5ab | TryIt |
Paste | fa-paste | fas | \f0ea | TryIt |
Pause | fa-pause | fas | \f04c | TryIt |
Paw | fa-paw | fas | \f1b0 | TryIt |
Peace | fa-peace | fas | \f67c | TryIt |
Pen Clip | fa-pen-clip | fas | \f305 | TryIt |
Pen Fancy | fa-pen-fancy | fas | \f5ac | TryIt |
Pen Nib | fa-pen-nib | fas | \f5ad | TryIt |
Pen Ruler | fa-pen-ruler | fas | \f5ae | TryIt |
Pen To Square | fa-pen-to-square | fas | \f044 | TryIt |
Pen | fa-pen | fas | \f304 | TryIt |
Pencil | fa-pencil | fas | \f303 | TryIt |
People Arrows | fa-people-arrows | fas | \e068 | TryIt |
People Carry Box | fa-people-carry-box | fas | \f4ce | TryIt |
People Group | fa-people-group | fas | \e533 | TryIt |
People Line | fa-people-line | fas | \e534 | TryIt |
People Pulling | fa-people-pulling | fas | \e535 | TryIt |
People Robbery | fa-people-robbery | fas | \e536 | TryIt |
People Roof | fa-people-roof | fas | \e537 | TryIt |
Pepper Hot | fa-pepper-hot | fas | \f816 | TryIt |
Percent | fa-percent | fas | \25 | TryIt |
Person Arrow Down To Line | fa-person-arrow-down-to-line | fas | \e538 | TryIt |
Person Arrow Up From Line | fa-person-arrow-up-from-line | fas | \e539 | TryIt |
Person Biking | fa-person-biking | fas | \f84a | TryIt |
Person Booth | fa-person-booth | fas | \f756 | TryIt |
Person Breastfeeding | fa-person-breastfeeding | fas | \e53a | TryIt |
Person Burst | fa-person-burst | fas | \e53b | TryIt |
Person Cane | fa-person-cane | fas | \e53c | TryIt |
Person Chalkboard | fa-person-chalkboard | fas | \e53d | TryIt |
Person Circle Check | fa-person-circle-check | fas | \e53e | TryIt |
Person Circle Exclamation | fa-person-circle-exclamation | fas | \e53f | TryIt |
Person Circle Minus | fa-person-circle-minus | fas | \e540 | TryIt |
Person Circle Plus | fa-person-circle-plus | fas | \e541 | TryIt |
Person Circle Question | fa-person-circle-question | fas | \e542 | TryIt |
Person Circle Xmark | fa-person-circle-xmark | fas | \e543 | TryIt |
Person Digging | fa-person-digging | fas | \f85e | TryIt |
Person Dots From Line | fa-person-dots-from-line | fas | \f470 | TryIt |
Person Dress Burst | fa-person-dress-burst | fas | \e544 | TryIt |
Person Dress | fa-person-dress | fas | \f182 | TryIt |
Person Drowning | fa-person-drowning | fas | \e545 | TryIt |
Person Falling Burst | fa-person-falling-burst | fas | \e547 | TryIt |
Person Falling | fa-person-falling | fas | \e546 | TryIt |
Person Half Dress | fa-person-half-dress | fas | \e548 | TryIt |
Person Harassing | fa-person-harassing | fas | \e549 | TryIt |
Person Hiking | fa-person-hiking | fas | \f6ec | TryIt |
Person Military Pointing | fa-person-military-pointing | fas | \e54a | TryIt |
Person Military Rifle | fa-person-military-rifle | fas | \e54b | TryIt |
Person Military To Person | fa-person-military-to-person | fas | \e54c | TryIt |
Person Praying | fa-person-praying | fas | \f683 | TryIt |
Person Pregnant | fa-person-pregnant | fas | \e31e | TryIt |
Person Rays | fa-person-rays | fas | \e54d | TryIt |
Person Rifle | fa-person-rifle | fas | \e54e | TryIt |
Person Running | fa-person-running | fas | \f70c | TryIt |
Person Shelter | fa-person-shelter | fas | \e54f | TryIt |
Person Skating | fa-person-skating | fas | \f7c5 | TryIt |
Person Skiing Nordic | fa-person-skiing-nordic | fas | \f7ca | TryIt |
Person Skiing | fa-person-skiing | fas | \f7c9 | TryIt |
Person Snowboarding | fa-person-snowboarding | fas | \f7ce | TryIt |
Person Swimming | fa-person-swimming | fas | \f5c4 | TryIt |
Person Through Window | fa-person-through-window | fas | \e5a9 | TryIt |
Person Walking Arrow Loop Left | fa-person-walking-arrow-loop-left | fas | \e551 | TryIt |
Person Walking Arrow Right | fa-person-walking-arrow-right | fas | \e552 | TryIt |
Person Walking Dashed Line Arrow Right | fa-person-walking-dashed-line-arrow-right | fas | \e553 | TryIt |
Person Walking Luggage | fa-person-walking-luggage | fas | \e554 | TryIt |
Person Walking With Cane | fa-person-walking-with-cane | fas | \f29d | TryIt |
Person Walking | fa-person-walking | fas | \f554 | TryIt |
Person | fa-person | fas | \f183 | TryIt |
Peseta Sign | fa-peseta-sign | fas | \e221 | TryIt |
Peso Sign | fa-peso-sign | fas | \e222 | TryIt |
Phone Flip | fa-phone-flip | fas | \f879 | TryIt |
Phone Slash | fa-phone-slash | fas | \f3dd | TryIt |
Phone Volume | fa-phone-volume | fas | \f2a0 | TryIt |
Phone | fa-phone | fas | \f095 | TryIt |
Photo Film | fa-photo-film | fas | \f87c | TryIt |
Piggy Bank | fa-piggy-bank | fas | \f4d3 | TryIt |
Pills | fa-pills | fas | \f484 | TryIt |
Pizza Slice | fa-pizza-slice | fas | \f818 | TryIt |
Place Of Worship | fa-place-of-worship | fas | \f67f | TryIt |
Plane Arrival | fa-plane-arrival | fas | \f5af | TryIt |
Plane Circle Check | fa-plane-circle-check | fas | \e555 | TryIt |
Plane Circle Exclamation | fa-plane-circle-exclamation | fas | \e556 | TryIt |
Plane Circle Xmark | fa-plane-circle-xmark | fas | \e557 | TryIt |
Plane Departure | fa-plane-departure | fas | \f5b0 | TryIt |
Plane Lock | fa-plane-lock | fas | \e558 | TryIt |
Plane Slash | fa-plane-slash | fas | \e069 | TryIt |
Plane Up | fa-plane-up | fas | \e22d | TryIt |
Plane | fa-plane | fas | \f072 | TryIt |
Plant Wilt | fa-plant-wilt | fas | \e5aa | TryIt |
Plate Wheat | fa-plate-wheat | fas | \e55a | TryIt |
Play | fa-play | fas | \f04b | TryIt |
Plug Circle Bolt | fa-plug-circle-bolt | fas | \e55b | TryIt |
Plug Circle Check | fa-plug-circle-check | fas | \e55c | TryIt |
Plug Circle Exclamation | fa-plug-circle-exclamation | fas | \e55d | TryIt |
Plug Circle Minus | fa-plug-circle-minus | fas | \e55e | TryIt |
Plug Circle Plus | fa-plug-circle-plus | fas | \e55f | TryIt |
Plug Circle Xmark | fa-plug-circle-xmark | fas | \e560 | TryIt |
Plug | fa-plug | fas | \f1e6 | TryIt |
Plus Minus | fa-plus-minus | fas | \e43c | TryIt |
Plus | fa-plus | fas | \2b | TryIt |
Podcast | fa-podcast | fas | \f2ce | TryIt |
Poo Storm | fa-poo-storm | fas | \f75a | TryIt |
Poo | fa-poo | fas | \f2fe | TryIt |
Poop | fa-poop | fas | \f619 | TryIt |
Power Off | fa-power-off | fas | \f011 | TryIt |
Prescription Bottle Medical | fa-prescription-bottle-medical | fas | \f486 | TryIt |
Prescription Bottle | fa-prescription-bottle | fas | \f485 | TryIt |
Prescription | fa-prescription | fas | \f5b1 | TryIt |
fa-print | fas | \f02f | TryIt | |
Pump Medical | fa-pump-medical | fas | \e06a | TryIt |
Pump Soap | fa-pump-soap | fas | \e06b | TryIt |
Puzzle Piece | fa-puzzle-piece | fas | \f12e | TryIt |
Q | fa-q | fas | \51 | TryIt |
Qrcode | fa-qrcode | fas | \f029 | TryIt |
Question | fa-question | fas | \3f | TryIt |
Quote Left | fa-quote-left | fas | \f10d | TryIt |
Quote Right | fa-quote-right | fas | \f10e | TryIt |
R | fa-r | fas | \52 | TryIt |
Radiation | fa-radiation | fas | \f7b9 | TryIt |
Radio | fa-radio | fas | \f8d7 | TryIt |
Rainbow | fa-rainbow | fas | \f75b | TryIt |
Ranking Star | fa-ranking-star | fas | \e561 | TryIt |
Receipt | fa-receipt | fas | \f543 | TryIt |
Record Vinyl | fa-record-vinyl | fas | \f8d9 | TryIt |
Rectangle Ad | fa-rectangle-ad | fas | \f641 | TryIt |
Rectangle List | fa-rectangle-list | fas | \f022 | TryIt |
Rectangle Xmark | fa-rectangle-xmark | fas | \f410 | TryIt |
Recycle | fa-recycle | fas | \f1b8 | TryIt |
Registered | fa-registered | fas | \f25d | TryIt |
Repeat | fa-repeat | fas | \f363 | TryIt |
Reply All | fa-reply-all | fas | \f122 | TryIt |
Reply | fa-reply | fas | \f3e5 | TryIt |
Republican | fa-republican | fas | \f75e | TryIt |
Restroom | fa-restroom | fas | \f7bd | TryIt |
Retweet | fa-retweet | fas | \f079 | TryIt |
Ribbon | fa-ribbon | fas | \f4d6 | TryIt |
Right From Bracket | fa-right-from-bracket | fas | \f2f5 | TryIt |
Right Left | fa-right-left | fas | \f362 | TryIt |
Right Long | fa-right-long | fas | \f30b | TryIt |
Right To Bracket | fa-right-to-bracket | fas | \f2f6 | TryIt |
Ring | fa-ring | fas | \f70b | TryIt |
Road Barrier | fa-road-barrier | fas | \e562 | TryIt |
Road Bridge | fa-road-bridge | fas | \e563 | TryIt |
Road Circle Check | fa-road-circle-check | fas | \e564 | TryIt |
Road Circle Exclamation | fa-road-circle-exclamation | fas | \e565 | TryIt |
Road Circle Xmark | fa-road-circle-xmark | fas | \e566 | TryIt |
Road Lock | fa-road-lock | fas | \e567 | TryIt |
Road Spikes | fa-road-spikes | fas | \e568 | TryIt |
Road | fa-road | fas | \f018 | TryIt |
Robot | fa-robot | fas | \f544 | TryIt |
Rocket | fa-rocket | fas | \f135 | TryIt |
Rotate Left | fa-rotate-left | fas | \f2ea | TryIt |
Rotate Right | fa-rotate-right | fas | \f2f9 | TryIt |
Rotate | fa-rotate | fas | \f2f1 | TryIt |
Route | fa-route | fas | \f4d7 | TryIt |
Rss | fa-rss | fas | \f09e | TryIt |
Ruble Sign | fa-ruble-sign | fas | \f158 | TryIt |
Rug | fa-rug | fas | \e569 | TryIt |
Ruler Combined | fa-ruler-combined | fas | \f546 | TryIt |
Ruler Horizontal | fa-ruler-horizontal | fas | \f547 | TryIt |
Ruler Vertical | fa-ruler-vertical | fas | \f548 | TryIt |
Ruler | fa-ruler | fas | \f545 | TryIt |
Rupee Sign | fa-rupee-sign | fas | \f156 | TryIt |
Rupiah Sign | fa-rupiah-sign | fas | \e23d | TryIt |
S | fa-s | fas | \53 | TryIt |
Sack Dollar | fa-sack-dollar | fas | \f81d | TryIt |
Sack Xmark | fa-sack-xmark | fas | \e56a | TryIt |
Sailboat | fa-sailboat | fas | \e445 | TryIt |
Satellite Dish | fa-satellite-dish | fas | \f7c0 | TryIt |
Satellite | fa-satellite | fas | \f7bf | TryIt |
Scale Balanced | fa-scale-balanced | fas | \f24e | TryIt |
Scale Unbalanced Flip | fa-scale-unbalanced-flip | fas | \f516 | TryIt |
Scale Unbalanced | fa-scale-unbalanced | fas | \f515 | TryIt |
School Circle Check | fa-school-circle-check | fas | \e56b | TryIt |
School Circle Exclamation | fa-school-circle-exclamation | fas | \e56c | TryIt |
School Circle Xmark | fa-school-circle-xmark | fas | \e56d | TryIt |
School Flag | fa-school-flag | fas | \e56e | TryIt |
School Lock | fa-school-lock | fas | \e56f | TryIt |
School | fa-school | fas | \f549 | TryIt |
Scissors | fa-scissors | fas | \f0c4 | TryIt |
Screwdriver Wrench | fa-screwdriver-wrench | fas | \f7d9 | TryIt |
Screwdriver | fa-screwdriver | fas | \f54a | TryIt |
Scroll Torah | fa-scroll-torah | fas | \f6a0 | TryIt |
Scroll | fa-scroll | fas | \f70e | TryIt |
Sd Card | fa-sd-card | fas | \f7c2 | TryIt |
Section | fa-section | fas | \e447 | TryIt |
Seedling | fa-seedling | fas | \f4d8 | TryIt |
Server | fa-server | fas | \f233 | TryIt |
Shapes | fa-shapes | fas | \f61f | TryIt |
Share From Square | fa-share-from-square | fas | \f14d | TryIt |
Share Nodes | fa-share-nodes | fas | \f1e0 | TryIt |
Share | fa-share | fas | \f064 | TryIt |
Sheet Plastic | fa-sheet-plastic | fas | \e571 | TryIt |
Shekel Sign | fa-shekel-sign | fas | \f20b | TryIt |
Shield Cat | fa-shield-cat | fas | \e572 | TryIt |
Shield Dog | fa-shield-dog | fas | \e573 | TryIt |
Shield Halved | fa-shield-halved | fas | \f3ed | TryIt |
Shield Heart | fa-shield-heart | fas | \e574 | TryIt |
Shield Virus | fa-shield-virus | fas | \e06c | TryIt |
Shield | fa-shield | fas | \f132 | TryIt |
Ship | fa-ship | fas | \f21a | TryIt |
Shirt | fa-shirt | fas | \f553 | TryIt |
Shoe Prints | fa-shoe-prints | fas | \f54b | TryIt |
Shop Lock | fa-shop-lock | fas | \e4a5 | TryIt |
Shop Slash | fa-shop-slash | fas | \e070 | TryIt |
Shop | fa-shop | fas | \f54f | TryIt |
Shower | fa-shower | fas | \f2cc | TryIt |
Shrimp | fa-shrimp | fas | \e448 | TryIt |
Shuffle | fa-shuffle | fas | \f074 | TryIt |
Shuttle Space | fa-shuttle-space | fas | \f197 | TryIt |
Sign Hanging | fa-sign-hanging | fas | \f4d9 | TryIt |
Signal | fa-signal | fas | \f012 | TryIt |
Signature | fa-signature | fas | \f5b7 | TryIt |
Signs Post | fa-signs-post | fas | \f277 | TryIt |
Sim Card | fa-sim-card | fas | \f7c4 | TryIt |
Sink | fa-sink | fas | \e06d | TryIt |
Sitemap | fa-sitemap | fas | \f0e8 | TryIt |
Skull Crossbones | fa-skull-crossbones | fas | \f714 | TryIt |
Skull | fa-skull | fas | \f54c | TryIt |
Slash | fa-slash | fas | \f715 | TryIt |
Sleigh | fa-sleigh | fas | \f7cc | TryIt |
Sliders | fa-sliders | fas | \f1de | TryIt |
Smog | fa-smog | fas | \f75f | TryIt |
Smoking | fa-smoking | fas | \f48d | TryIt |
Snowflake | fa-snowflake | fas | \f2dc | TryIt |
Snowman | fa-snowman | fas | \f7d0 | TryIt |
Snowplow | fa-snowplow | fas | \f7d2 | TryIt |
Soap | fa-soap | fas | \e06e | TryIt |
Socks | fa-socks | fas | \f696 | TryIt |
Solar Panel | fa-solar-panel | fas | \f5ba | TryIt |
Sort Down | fa-sort-down | fas | \f0dd | TryIt |
Sort Up | fa-sort-up | fas | \f0de | TryIt |
Sort | fa-sort | fas | \f0dc | TryIt |
Spa | fa-spa | fas | \f5bb | TryIt |
Spaghetti Monster Flying | fa-spaghetti-monster-flying | fas | \f67b | TryIt |
Spell Check | fa-spell-check | fas | \f891 | TryIt |
Spider | fa-spider | fas | \f717 | TryIt |
Spinner | fa-spinner | fas | \f110 | TryIt |
Splotch | fa-splotch | fas | \f5bc | TryIt |
Spoon | fa-spoon | fas | \f2e5 | TryIt |
Spray Can Sparkles | fa-spray-can-sparkles | fas | \f5d0 | TryIt |
Spray Can | fa-spray-can | fas | \f5bd | TryIt |
Square Arrow Up Right | fa-square-arrow-up-right | fas | \f14c | TryIt |
Square Caret Down | fa-square-caret-down | fas | \f150 | TryIt |
Square Caret Left | fa-square-caret-left | fas | \f191 | TryIt |
Square Caret Right | fa-square-caret-right | fas | \f152 | TryIt |
Square Caret Up | fa-square-caret-up | fas | \f151 | TryIt |
Square Check | fa-square-check | fas | \f14a | TryIt |
Square Envelope | fa-square-envelope | fas | \f199 | TryIt |
Square Full | fa-square-full | fas | \f45c | TryIt |
Square H | fa-square-h | fas | \f0fd | TryIt |
Square Minus | fa-square-minus | fas | \f146 | TryIt |
Square Nfi | fa-square-nfi | fas | \e576 | TryIt |
Square Parking | fa-square-parking | fas | \f540 | TryIt |
Square Pen | fa-square-pen | fas | \f14b | TryIt |
Square Person Confined | fa-square-person-confined | fas | \e577 | TryIt |
Square Phone Flip | fa-square-phone-flip | fas | \f87b | TryIt |
Square Phone | fa-square-phone | fas | \f098 | TryIt |
Square Plus | fa-square-plus | fas | \f0fe | TryIt |
Square Poll Horizontal | fa-square-poll-horizontal | fas | \f682 | TryIt |
Square Poll Vertical | fa-square-poll-vertical | fas | \f681 | TryIt |
Square Root Variable | fa-square-root-variable | fas | \f698 | TryIt |
Square Rss | fa-square-rss | fas | \f143 | TryIt |
Square Share Nodes | fa-square-share-nodes | fas | \f1e1 | TryIt |
Square Up Right | fa-square-up-right | fas | \f360 | TryIt |
Square Virus | fa-square-virus | fas | \e578 | TryIt |
Square Xmark | fa-square-xmark | fas | \f2d3 | TryIt |
Square | fa-square | fas | \f0c8 | TryIt |
Staff Snake | fa-staff-snake | fas | \e579 | TryIt |
Stairs | fa-stairs | fas | \e289 | TryIt |
Stamp | fa-stamp | fas | \f5bf | TryIt |
Stapler | fa-stapler | fas | \e5af | TryIt |
Star And Crescent | fa-star-and-crescent | fas | \f699 | TryIt |
Star Half Stroke | fa-star-half-stroke | fas | \f5c0 | TryIt |
Star Half | fa-star-half | fas | \f089 | TryIt |
Star Of David | fa-star-of-david | fas | \f69a | TryIt |
Star Of Life | fa-star-of-life | fas | \f621 | TryIt |
Star | fa-star | fas | \f005 | TryIt |
Sterling Sign | fa-sterling-sign | fas | \f154 | TryIt |
Stethoscope | fa-stethoscope | fas | \f0f1 | TryIt |
Stop | fa-stop | fas | \f04d | TryIt |
Stopwatch 20 | fa-stopwatch-20 | fas | \e06f | TryIt |
Stopwatch | fa-stopwatch | fas | \f2f2 | TryIt |
Store Slash | fa-store-slash | fas | \e071 | TryIt |
Store | fa-store | fas | \f54e | TryIt |
Street View | fa-street-view | fas | \f21d | TryIt |
Strikethrough | fa-strikethrough | fas | \f0cc | TryIt |
Stroopwafel | fa-stroopwafel | fas | \f551 | TryIt |
Subscript | fa-subscript | fas | \f12c | TryIt |
Suitcase Medical | fa-suitcase-medical | fas | \f0fa | TryIt |
Suitcase Rolling | fa-suitcase-rolling | fas | \f5c1 | TryIt |
Suitcase | fa-suitcase | fas | \f0f2 | TryIt |
Sun Plant Wilt | fa-sun-plant-wilt | fas | \e57a | TryIt |
Sun | fa-sun | fas | \f185 | TryIt |
Superscript | fa-superscript | fas | \f12b | TryIt |
Swatchbook | fa-swatchbook | fas | \f5c3 | TryIt |
Synagogue | fa-synagogue | fas | \f69b | TryIt |
Syringe | fa-syringe | fas | \f48e | TryIt |
T | fa-t | fas | \54 | TryIt |
Table Cells Large | fa-table-cells-large | fas | \f009 | TryIt |
Table Cells | fa-table-cells | fas | \f00a | TryIt |
Table Columns | fa-table-columns | fas | \f0db | TryIt |
Table List | fa-table-list | fas | \f00b | TryIt |
Table Tennis Paddle Ball | fa-table-tennis-paddle-ball | fas | \f45d | TryIt |
Table | fa-table | fas | \f0ce | TryIt |
Tablet Button | fa-tablet-button | fas | \f10a | TryIt |
Tablet Screen Button | fa-tablet-screen-button | fas | \f3fa | TryIt |
Tablet | fa-tablet | fas | \f3fb | TryIt |
Tablets | fa-tablets | fas | \f490 | TryIt |
Tachograph Digital | fa-tachograph-digital | fas | \f566 | TryIt |
Tag | fa-tag | fas | \f02b | TryIt |
Tags | fa-tags | fas | \f02c | TryIt |
Tape | fa-tape | fas | \f4db | TryIt |
Tarp Droplet | fa-tarp-droplet | fas | \e57c | TryIt |
Tarp | fa-tarp | fas | \e57b | TryIt |
Taxi | fa-taxi | fas | \f1ba | TryIt |
Teeth Open | fa-teeth-open | fas | \f62f | TryIt |
Teeth | fa-teeth | fas | \f62e | TryIt |
Temperature Arrow Down | fa-temperature-arrow-down | fas | \e03f | TryIt |
Temperature Arrow Up | fa-temperature-arrow-up | fas | \e040 | TryIt |
Temperature Empty | fa-temperature-empty | fas | \f2cb | TryIt |
Temperature Full | fa-temperature-full | fas | \f2c7 | TryIt |
Temperature Half | fa-temperature-half | fas | \f2c9 | TryIt |
Temperature High | fa-temperature-high | fas | \f769 | TryIt |
Temperature Low | fa-temperature-low | fas | \f76b | TryIt |
Temperature Quarter | fa-temperature-quarter | fas | \f2ca | TryIt |
Temperature Three Quarters | fa-temperature-three-quarters | fas | \f2c8 | TryIt |
Tenge Sign | fa-tenge-sign | fas | \f7d7 | TryIt |
Tent Arrow Down To Line | fa-tent-arrow-down-to-line | fas | \e57e | TryIt |
Tent Arrow Left Right | fa-tent-arrow-left-right | fas | \e57f | TryIt |
Tent Arrow Turn Left | fa-tent-arrow-turn-left | fas | \e580 | TryIt |
Tent Arrows Down | fa-tent-arrows-down | fas | \e581 | TryIt |
Tent | fa-tent | fas | \e57d | TryIt |
Tents | fa-tents | fas | \e582 | TryIt |
Terminal | fa-terminal | fas | \f120 | TryIt |
Text Height | fa-text-height | fas | \f034 | TryIt |
Text Slash | fa-text-slash | fas | \f87d | TryIt |
Text Width | fa-text-width | fas | \f035 | TryIt |
Thermometer | fa-thermometer | fas | \f491 | TryIt |
Thumbs Down | fa-thumbs-down | fas | \f165 | TryIt |
Thumbs Up | fa-thumbs-up | fas | \f164 | TryIt |
Thumbtack | fa-thumbtack | fas | \f08d | TryIt |
Ticket Simple | fa-ticket-simple | fas | \f3ff | TryIt |
Ticket | fa-ticket | fas | \f145 | TryIt |
Timeline | fa-timeline | fas | \e29c | TryIt |
Toggle Off | fa-toggle-off | fas | \f204 | TryIt |
Toggle On | fa-toggle-on | fas | \f205 | TryIt |
Toilet Paper Slash | fa-toilet-paper-slash | fas | \e072 | TryIt |
Toilet Paper | fa-toilet-paper | fas | \f71e | TryIt |
Toilet Portable | fa-toilet-portable | fas | \e583 | TryIt |
Toilet | fa-toilet | fas | \f7d8 | TryIt |
Toilets Portable | fa-toilets-portable | fas | \e584 | TryIt |
Toolbox | fa-toolbox | fas | \f552 | TryIt |
Tooth | fa-tooth | fas | \f5c9 | TryIt |
Torii Gate | fa-torii-gate | fas | \f6a1 | TryIt |
Tornado | fa-tornado | fas | \f76f | TryIt |
Tower Broadcast | fa-tower-broadcast | fas | \f519 | TryIt |
Tower Cell | fa-tower-cell | fas | \e585 | TryIt |
Tower Observation | fa-tower-observation | fas | \e586 | TryIt |
Tractor | fa-tractor | fas | \f722 | TryIt |
Trademark | fa-trademark | fas | \f25c | TryIt |
Traffic Light | fa-traffic-light | fas | \f637 | TryIt |
Trailer | fa-trailer | fas | \e041 | TryIt |
Train Subway | fa-train-subway | fas | \f239 | TryIt |
Train Tram | fa-train-tram | fas | \e5b4 | TryIt |
Train | fa-train | fas | \f238 | TryIt |
Transgender | fa-transgender | fas | \f225 | TryIt |
Trash Arrow Up | fa-trash-arrow-up | fas | \f829 | TryIt |
Trash Can Arrow Up | fa-trash-can-arrow-up | fas | \f82a | TryIt |
Trash Can | fa-trash-can | fas | \f2ed | TryIt |
Trash | fa-trash | fas | \f1f8 | TryIt |
Tree City | fa-tree-city | fas | \e587 | TryIt |
Tree | fa-tree | fas | \f1bb | TryIt |
Triangle Exclamation | fa-triangle-exclamation | fas | \f071 | TryIt |
Trophy | fa-trophy | fas | \f091 | TryIt |
Trowel Bricks | fa-trowel-bricks | fas | \e58a | TryIt |
Trowel | fa-trowel | fas | \e589 | TryIt |
Truck Arrow Right | fa-truck-arrow-right | fas | \e58b | TryIt |
Truck Droplet | fa-truck-droplet | fas | \e58c | TryIt |
Truck Fast | fa-truck-fast | fas | \f48b | TryIt |
Truck Field Un | fa-truck-field-un | fas | \e58e | TryIt |
Truck Field | fa-truck-field | fas | \e58d | TryIt |
Truck Front | fa-truck-front | fas | \e2b7 | TryIt |
Truck Medical | fa-truck-medical | fas | \f0f9 | TryIt |
Truck Monster | fa-truck-monster | fas | \f63b | TryIt |
Truck Moving | fa-truck-moving | fas | \f4df | TryIt |
Truck Pickup | fa-truck-pickup | fas | \f63c | TryIt |
Truck Plane | fa-truck-plane | fas | \e58f | TryIt |
Truck Ramp Box | fa-truck-ramp-box | fas | \f4de | TryIt |
Truck | fa-truck | fas | \f0d1 | TryIt |
Tty | fa-tty | fas | \f1e4 | TryIt |
Turkish Lira Sign | fa-turkish-lira-sign | fas | \e2bb | TryIt |
Turn Down | fa-turn-down | fas | \f3be | TryIt |
Turn Up | fa-turn-up | fas | \f3bf | TryIt |
Tv | fa-tv | fas | \f26c | TryIt |
U | fa-u | fas | \55 | TryIt |
Umbrella Beach | fa-umbrella-beach | fas | \f5ca | TryIt |
Umbrella | fa-umbrella | fas | \f0e9 | TryIt |
Underline | fa-underline | fas | \f0cd | TryIt |
Universal Access | fa-universal-access | fas | \f29a | TryIt |
Unlock Keyhole | fa-unlock-keyhole | fas | \f13e | TryIt |
Unlock | fa-unlock | fas | \f09c | TryIt |
Up Down Left Right | fa-up-down-left-right | fas | \f0b2 | TryIt |
Up Down | fa-up-down | fas | \f338 | TryIt |
Up Long | fa-up-long | fas | \f30c | TryIt |
Up Right And Down Left From Center | fa-up-right-and-down-left-from-center | fas | \f424 | TryIt |
Up Right From Square | fa-up-right-from-square | fas | \f35d | TryIt |
Upload | fa-upload | fas | \f093 | TryIt |
User Astronaut | fa-user-astronaut | fas | \f4fb | TryIt |
User Check | fa-user-check | fas | \f4fc | TryIt |
User Clock | fa-user-clock | fas | \f4fd | TryIt |
User Doctor | fa-user-doctor | fas | \f0f0 | TryIt |
User Gear | fa-user-gear | fas | \f4fe | TryIt |
User Graduate | fa-user-graduate | fas | \f501 | TryIt |
User Group | fa-user-group | fas | \f500 | TryIt |
User Injured | fa-user-injured | fas | \f728 | TryIt |
User Large Slash | fa-user-large-slash | fas | \f4fa | TryIt |
User Large | fa-user-large | fas | \f406 | TryIt |
User Lock | fa-user-lock | fas | \f502 | TryIt |
User Minus | fa-user-minus | fas | \f503 | TryIt |
User Ninja | fa-user-ninja | fas | \f504 | TryIt |
User Nurse | fa-user-nurse | fas | \f82f | TryIt |
User Pen | fa-user-pen | fas | \f4ff | TryIt |
User Plus | fa-user-plus | fas | \f234 | TryIt |
User Secret | fa-user-secret | fas | \f21b | TryIt |
User Shield | fa-user-shield | fas | \f505 | TryIt |
User Slash | fa-user-slash | fas | \f506 | TryIt |
User Tag | fa-user-tag | fas | \f507 | TryIt |
User Tie | fa-user-tie | fas | \f508 | TryIt |
User Xmark | fa-user-xmark | fas | \f235 | TryIt |
User | fa-user | fas | \f007 | TryIt |
Users Between Lines | fa-users-between-lines | fas | \e591 | TryIt |
Users Gear | fa-users-gear | fas | \f509 | TryIt |
Users Line | fa-users-line | fas | \e592 | TryIt |
Users Rays | fa-users-rays | fas | \e593 | TryIt |
Users Rectangle | fa-users-rectangle | fas | \e594 | TryIt |
Users Slash | fa-users-slash | fas | \e073 | TryIt |
Users Viewfinder | fa-users-viewfinder | fas | \e595 | TryIt |
Users | fa-users | fas | \f0c0 | TryIt |
Utensils | fa-utensils | fas | \f2e7 | TryIt |
V | fa-v | fas | \56 | TryIt |
Van Shuttle | fa-van-shuttle | fas | \f5b6 | TryIt |
Vault | fa-vault | fas | \e2c5 | TryIt |
Vector Square | fa-vector-square | fas | \f5cb | TryIt |
Venus Double | fa-venus-double | fas | \f226 | TryIt |
Venus Mars | fa-venus-mars | fas | \f228 | TryIt |
Venus | fa-venus | fas | \f221 | TryIt |
Vest Patches | fa-vest-patches | fas | \e086 | TryIt |
Vest | fa-vest | fas | \e085 | TryIt |
Vial Circle Check | fa-vial-circle-check | fas | \e596 | TryIt |
Vial Virus | fa-vial-virus | fas | \e597 | TryIt |
Vial | fa-vial | fas | \f492 | TryIt |
Vials | fa-vials | fas | \f493 | TryIt |
Video Slash | fa-video-slash | fas | \f4e2 | TryIt |
Video | fa-video | fas | \f03d | TryIt |
Vihara | fa-vihara | fas | \f6a7 | TryIt |
Virus Covid Slash | fa-virus-covid-slash | fas | \e4a9 | TryIt |
Virus Covid | fa-virus-covid | fas | \e4a8 | TryIt |
Virus Slash | fa-virus-slash | fas | \e075 | TryIt |
Virus | fa-virus | fas | \e074 | TryIt |
Viruses | fa-viruses | fas | \e076 | TryIt |
Voicemail | fa-voicemail | fas | \f897 | TryIt |
Volcano | fa-volcano | fas | \f770 | TryIt |
Volleyball | fa-volleyball | fas | \f45f | TryIt |
Volume High | fa-volume-high | fas | \f028 | TryIt |
Volume Low | fa-volume-low | fas | \f027 | TryIt |
Volume Off | fa-volume-off | fas | \f026 | TryIt |
Volume Xmark | fa-volume-xmark | fas | \f6a9 | TryIt |
Vr Cardboard | fa-vr-cardboard | fas | \f729 | TryIt |
W | fa-w | fas | \57 | TryIt |
Walkie Talkie | fa-walkie-talkie | fas | \f8ef | TryIt |
Wallet | fa-wallet | fas | \f555 | TryIt |
Wand Magic Sparkles | fa-wand-magic-sparkles | fas | \e2ca | TryIt |
Wand Magic | fa-wand-magic | fas | \f0d0 | TryIt |
Wand Sparkles | fa-wand-sparkles | fas | \f72b | TryIt |
Warehouse | fa-warehouse | fas | \f494 | TryIt |
Water Ladder | fa-water-ladder | fas | \f5c5 | TryIt |
Water | fa-water | fas | \f773 | TryIt |
Wave Square | fa-wave-square | fas | \f83e | TryIt |
Weight Hanging | fa-weight-hanging | fas | \f5cd | TryIt |
Weight Scale | fa-weight-scale | fas | \f496 | TryIt |
Wheat Awn Circle Exclamation | fa-wheat-awn-circle-exclamation | fas | \e598 | TryIt |
Wheat Awn | fa-wheat-awn | fas | \e2cd | TryIt |
Wheelchair Move | fa-wheelchair-move | fas | \e2ce | TryIt |
Wheelchair | fa-wheelchair | fas | \f193 | TryIt |
Whiskey Glass | fa-whiskey-glass | fas | \f7a0 | TryIt |
Wifi | fa-wifi | fas | \f1eb | TryIt |
Wind | fa-wind | fas | \f72e | TryIt |
Window Maximize | fa-window-maximize | fas | \f2d0 | TryIt |
Window Minimize | fa-window-minimize | fas | \f2d1 | TryIt |
Window Restore | fa-window-restore | fas | \f2d2 | TryIt |
Wine Bottle | fa-wine-bottle | fas | \f72f | TryIt |
Wine Glass Empty | fa-wine-glass-empty | fas | \f5ce | TryIt |
Wine Glass | fa-wine-glass | fas | \f4e3 | TryIt |
Won Sign | fa-won-sign | fas | \f159 | TryIt |
Worm | fa-worm | fas | \e599 | TryIt |
Wrench | fa-wrench | fas | \f0ad | TryIt |
X Ray | fa-x-ray | fas | \f497 | TryIt |
X | fa-x | fas | \58 | TryIt |
Xmark | fa-xmark | fas | \f00d | TryIt |
Xmarks Lines | fa-xmarks-lines | fas | \e59a | TryIt |
Y | fa-y | fas | \59 | TryIt |
Yen Sign | fa-yen-sign | fas | \f157 | TryIt |
Yin Yang | fa-yin-yang | fas | \f6ad | TryIt |
Z | fa-z | fas | \5a | TryIt |
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