Object is possibly 'null' error fix in Angular reactive form validation
If you are using latest versions of Angular i.e, Angular v10 above, you might be getting Object is possibly ‘null’ error in Angular reactive from validations.
Especially when accessing errors
property of `formControl
you might get this Object is possibly 'null'
profileForm.get('firstName').errors &&
>* Required</span
What is Object is possibly ‘null’ error?
Object is possibly ‘null’ is a compile time error, which helps us to identify the null objects before run time.
It’s basically typescript error.
From the Angular v10 above, typescript strict
mode enabled by default in Angular applications.
In Angular application directory, Open tsconfig.json
file and under compilerOptions
you will see "strict": true
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./",
"outDir": "./dist/out-tsc",
"sourceMap": true,
"declaration": false,
"strict": true,
"downlevelIteration": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"importHelpers": true,
"target": "es2015",
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"],
"lib": ["es2018", "dom"]
Three ways to Fix Object is possibly ‘null’ error
There are three ways to fix this problem in Angular applications.
Solution 1: Disable strict
The simple way to fix Object is possibly ‘null’ error in Angular is to disable strict
Open tsconfig.json
file Change the value of strict
to false
But this practice is not recommended. Avoid it.
Solution 2: Using (!
) not null assertion operator.
If you are absolutely sure that an object can never be null
, Use !
not null assertion operator.
While getting the formGroup
properties, use !
null assertion operator and then access errors
profileForm.get('firstName')!.errors &&
>* Required</span
But if the property does not exist in the formGroup
and if you try to access the property using not null assertion operator, you will get run time error.
profileForm.get('firstname')!.errors &&
>* Required</span
I just changed the case of firstname
, the compiler is happy as I am using (!
) not null assertion operator, but at runtime I got following error.
Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'errors')
So if are sure that the object is not null then only use this operator.
Solution 2: Using (?
) optional chaining operator.
And if you are not sure whether the object is null or not use (?
) optional chaining operator.
profileForm.get('firstName')?.errors &&
>* Required</span
This is the safest way.
Even though if the property does not exist on formGroup
, at run time you wont get any errors.
profileForm.get('firstname')?.errors && <!-- No error -->
>* Required</span
StackBlitz Demo
Here is the demo for Object is possibly ‘null’ error in Angular reactive forms.