Check mat-radio-button by default

mat-radio-button default checked in Angular mat-radio-group

To check mat-radio-button by default in Angular mat-radio-group, we need to use checked property.

In real world Angular applications, mat-radio-button options will come from the server and some times we need to check one option by default.

The default mat-radio-button option might be the first option, or some logic based on our business needs.

First we will create an interface which represents mat-radio-button options.

export interface Option {
  name: string;
  value: number;
  checked: boolean;

Now lets add some random radio button options.

radioButtonOptions: Option[] = [];

constructor() {
    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
      var defaultChecked = i == 1;
        name: 'Option ' + i,
        value: i,
        checked: defaultChecked,

In the above ma-radio-button options, I am setting the first option checked property to true.

That means, the first option will be selected by default.

In the component html file, using *ngFor I am displaying mat-radio-button options.

And using [checked] property, I am assigning the default value.

      *ngFor="let option of radioButtonOptions"
      {{ }}

And now we will add [ngModel] to the mat-radio-group.

      *ngFor="let option of radioButtonOptions"
      {{ }}
<div>The selected option is {{ selectedOption }}</div>

And in the component .ts file, assigning selected option to the first option value.

  constructor() {
    this.selectedOption = this.radioButtonOptions[0].value;
  selectedOption: number;

Now the checked value is displayed on the bottom of the radio buttons.

Go through the demo to understand further.

mat-radio-button default checked StackBlitz demo

Here is the link to StackBlitz demo for mat-radio-button default checked.

mat-radio-button default checked