Render YouTube videos in Angular

How to Embed YouTube videos in Angular Applications

In this tutorial we learn how to embed youtube videos in Angular applications using @angular/youtube-player component.

What is Angular Youtube Player Component?

Using @angular/youtube-player component we can render an inline YouTube Player within our Angular applications.

Angular Youtube player component is a simple Angular wrapper around the embed YouTube player API introduced in Angular version 9.

Steps to embed YouTube Video in Angular applications.

Step 1: Install @angular/youtube-player component package

The first step is to install @angular/youtube-player package in our Angular applications using npm install command.

npm install @angular/youtube-player

Step 2: Import YouTubePlayerModule in the target module.

Import YouTubePlayerModule from @angular/youtube-player and add in AppModule imports array.

import { YouTubePlayerModule } from '@angular/youtube-player';

  imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, YouTubePlayerModule],
  declarations: [AppComponent, HelloComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

Instead of adding in AppModule you can add it in your own video component module.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { YouTubePlayerModule } from '@angular/youtube-player';

import { VideoComponent } from './video.component';

  imports: [YouTubePlayerModule],
  declarations: [VideoComponent],
  exports: [VideoComponent]
export class VideoModule {}

Step 3: Load the YouTube iframe API Script.

As explained above it’s wrapper around embed YouTube player API, so we need to load iframe API script before using YouTube player component.

There are two ways we can add YouTube iframe API script.

Directly add the script in index.html file.

<script src=""></script>

Load IFrame Player API script asynchronously in component.ts file.

export class AppComponent {

  apiLoaded = false;

  ngOnInit() {
    if (!this.apiLoaded) {
      const tag = document.createElement('script');
      tag.src = '';
      this.apiLoaded = true;

This is the practice suggested by youtube iframe api reference.

Step 4: Get the video id of youtube.

Every YouTube video has an ID, it will be part of video URL.

Have a look at the below YouTube video url.

The video id is QIZ9aZD6vs0.

Step 5: Render video using <youtube-player> tag.

Pass the video id to the youtube-player component videoId @input.

<youtube-player videoId="QIZ9aZD6vs0"> </youtube-player>

That’s it our video will be loaded automatically.

And we can bind a variable to [videoId] input.

Here is the complete example.

export class AppComponent {
  //  videoUrl = '';

  apiLoaded = false;

  videoId = 'QIZ9aZD6vs0';

  ngOnInit() {
    if (!this.apiLoaded) {
      const tag = document.createElement('script');
      tag.src = '';
      this.apiLoaded = true;

In component.html file use videoId variable.

<youtube-player [videoId]="videoId"> </youtube-player>

Changing width and height of youtube video

By default youtube player component loads the video in 640 width and 390 height.

To change the width and height of the video we can make use [height] and [width] input parameters.

<youtube-player [videoId]="videoId"


Changing the quality of the youtube video.

To change the quality of the youtube video loaded use suggestedQuality input of youtube-player component.

<youtube-player [videoId]="videoId"


The allowed values of suggestedQuality input are ‘default’ , ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’, ‘hd720’, ‘hd1080’, and ‘highres’.

Change play Start and end times of youtube video.

We can make use of Angular Youtube Player Component’s [startSeconds] and [endSeconds] inputs to change the start and end play times of youtube video.

startSeconds = 60;
endSeconds = 120;


The above video will start at 60 seconds and ends at 120 seconds.

Angular youtube player component @Output events

The Angular youtube player component have following @output events

(ready): PlayerEvent

Triggers whenever a player has finished loading and is ready to begin receiving API calls.

(stateChange): OnStateChangeEvent

Triggers whenever the player’s state changes

(error): OnErrorEvent

Triggers if an error occurs in the player

(apiChange): PlayerEvent

fires to indicate that the player has loaded (or unloaded) a module with exposed API methods

(playbackQualityChange): OnPlaybackQualityChangeEvent

Triggers whenever the video playback quality changes

(playbackRateChange): OnPlaybackRateChangeEvent

Triggers whenever the video playback rate changes

The @output events maps to the events fired from the YouTube JS API.

Angular youtube player component StackBlitz Demo.

Here is the link for Angular youtube player component StackBlitz Demo.